Arild Aamodt

Nat Rep for Norway

Arild Aamodt, MD PhD
Head of Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Lovisenberg Hospital
0440 Oslo, Norway

Dr. Arild Aamodt attended pre-medical school in Münster, Germany and completed medical school at the University of Oslo. After internship he specialized in general surgery, followed by orthopaedic training and specialization at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Trondheim University Hospital. He was appointed as head of the same orthopaedic department and professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim in 2006. In 2011 he relocated to Oslo to serve as consultant
orthopaedic surgeon and professor at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Lovisenberg Hospital, from 2015 also as head of orthopaedics.

He has been Nat Rep for Norway for 7 years, following professor Pål Benum – one of the founding members of EHS. The two collaborated, both clinically and scientifically, for several years and developed the Unique® customized femoral stem in the mid-nineties. The stem has been used in more than 1500 hips with structural deformities and can show a 10-year survivorship of more than 97%, according to the combined Nordic Hip Registry.

Zoltan Csernátony

Prof Csernátony is National Representative for Hungary


Zoltán Csernátony, MD

Associate Professor, Head of Department

University of Debrecen Medical Center

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

H-4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 98.


Goran Bicanic

Goran Bicanic

Born 23.71975in Zagreb, Croatia


Current positions:

  1. Consultant orthopedic surgeon at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
  2. Senior lecturer at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia
  3. Consultant orthopedic surgeon at Private Poliylinic Sunce, Zagreb, Croatia
  4. General Secretary of COTA (Croatian Orthopaedic and Traumatology Association)
  5. Deputy Head of Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb Bonebank and Orthopaedic transplantation team
  6. Head of IT Orthopaedic Division for Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb
  7. Court expert for orthopaedics at the County Court, Zagreb, Croatia

AREAS OF INTEREST: Primary and revision hip arthroplasty, Primary and revision

knee arthroplasty, forefoot surgery, Clinical research in arthroplasty, infection, pain management and thromboprofilaksis

Arkan Sam Sayed-Noor

Arkan S Sayed-Noor MD, PhD, FRCS

Associate Professor & Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon,

Umeå Univeristy & Sundsvall Teaching Hospital,


I have been the national representative of Sweden in EHS for the last three years. Before that I was a Junior Fellow and then a Fellow of the society. This relatively long-time contact has given me the privilege to be well updated about the scientific advances in the management of hip joint disorders. As a national representative, I have tried to act as a link between the EHS and my Swedish orthopaedic colleagues.

Klaus Siebenrock

Prof Siebenrock is National Representative for Switzerland


Prof Dr med Klaus A Siebenrock

Director and Professor

Clinic for orthopedic surgery and traumatology

University Hospital Bern, Inselspital

3010 Bern


Thierry Scheerlinck

Belgian EHS National Representative

Prof Thierry Scheerlinck, head of the Orthopaedic and Trauma Department of the UZ Brussel and Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). My main interest is in primary and revision hip arthroplasty as well as proximal femur and acetabular fracture treatment. Our research group is focused on imaging of the hip including 2D and 3D hip arthroplasty templating as well as CT based evaluation of hip implants migration, osteolysis and cement mantles.

Pedro Dantas

Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon

Hip preservation surgery (hip arthroscopy and surgical hip dislocation)

Primary and revision hip arthroplasty

Hospital CUF Descobertas – Lisboa

Hospital Curry Cabral – Lisboa

Stanislav Bondarenko

Stanislav Bondarenko  MD., DMSc.

Director of Dept of Joint Pathology

Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology

National Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences

80 Pushkinskaya St., Kharkiv, 61024 Ukraine.

Phone: +380675740151



Rihard Trebše

Assoc. Prof. Rihard Trebše MD PhD obtained his medical education at Medical University in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1993. He defended his Ph.D. thesis at Medical University in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2010. In 2014 has been elected as Associate Professor for Orthopaedics at Medical University in Ljubljana. Since 2012 he works as a Head of Service for Bone Infections at Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital, Slovenia where he is also a deputy director. Between 2012 and 2015 he was the president of Slovenian Orthopedic Society, since 2009 he is a national delegate from Slovenia in European Hip Society, and since 2014 he is a national delegate from Slovenia in EFORT. His surgical expertise covers: bone infection surgeries, revision and primary hip and knee arthroplasty, osteotomies around the hip and open elbow surgeries.

Assoc. Prof. Rihard Trebše, MD, PhD is a renowned scientist with various research interests. His most important research field has been the treatment of prosthetic joint infections but he was also involved in hip tribology and artificial joint survivorship studies. He is involved in design of new revision implants for acetabular reconstruction. Another focus of his work is the development and evaluation of computer aided surgical techniques for joint replacement and bone osteotomies of hip and knee joint. Since late nineties his main contribution has been in implementation of CAD – CAM technologies in orthopaedic surgeries particularly in precision osteotomy cuts and socket navigation in hip replacement. He has also contributed in investigations of the importance of synovial cytology, the role of synovial interleukin, and the significance of molecular methods in diagnosing PJI.