Goran Bicanic

Born 23.71975in Zagreb, Croatia

Email: gbic@mef.hr

Current positions:

  1. Consultant orthopedic surgeon at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
  2. Senior lecturer at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia
  3. Consultant orthopedic surgeon at Private Poliylinic Sunce, Zagreb, Croatia
  4. General Secretary of COTA (Croatian Orthopaedic and Traumatology Association)
  5. Deputy Head of Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb Bonebank and Orthopaedic transplantation team
  6. Head of IT Orthopaedic Division for Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb
  7. Court expert for orthopaedics at the County Court, Zagreb, Croatia

AREAS OF INTEREST: Primary and revision hip arthroplasty, Primary and revision

knee arthroplasty, forefoot surgery, Clinical research in arthroplasty, infection, pain management and thromboprofilaksis