Any person who wishes to become a Member must be proposed by one Full Member and seconded by another, be approved by their country’s National Representative, and must submit a curriculum vitae together with an application in writing signed by himself and the proposer and seconder to the Secretary General. Election to Membership shall be upon recommendation by the Executive Committee (following approval by the National Representative and scrutiny of the two sponsorships and the curriculum vitae) or acceptance of an application for membership and approval of the application by a majority of Full Members attending at a General Assembly.
(Article 4 d. of the Constitution of the European Hip Society)
Membership Benefits
EHS Members benefit from their membership in various ways.
– Perfect way to keep up to date with the latest state-of-the-art and developments in the field.
– Platform to present research work at EHS Congresses and other events.
– Ease of contact with experts in the field.
– Reduced registration fees for EHS Congresses and other events.
– Free subscription of the Society´s journal Hip International
– Free subscription to the society’s monthly Newsletter.
– Reduced membership fee for Young Members and free of charge for Emeritus Members.
– Active and passive voting rights for Full Members.
– Opportunity to take an active part within the Society’s committees: SciCom, EduCom, Webinar Task Force.
Membership categories
Full Members
Any person who fulfils the membership criteria and who has been elected in accordance with Rule 4d hereof or any person who in the judgement of the Executive Committee merits admission as a Member; Full Members shall pay an annual subscription fee. They shall have full voting rights at the General Assembly, and shall receive a free subscription of the Society's print journal.
International Members
Any person coming from outside Europe who fulfils all other membership criteria and who has been elected in accordance with Rule 4d hereof, or any person who in the judgement of the Executive Committee merits admission as a Member; Associate Members shall pay an annual subscription fee. They shall receive a free subscription of the Society's print journal, but they shall have no voting rights.
Young Members
Orthopaedic surgeons who are not yet fully qualified can be elected as Young Members. They shall have the possibility to present a paper during the meetings of the Society. Their membership shall be a reduced-rate. They shall receive access to the electronic issue of the Society’s journal and shall have no voting rights.
Emeritus Members
Any member who has retired from medical practice and who has given notice to the Executive Committee of his wish to remain a member of the Association; Emeritus Members shall be released from their obligation to subscription payment. They shall have free access to the electronic issue of the Society's journal, but they shall not have the right to vote.
Honorary Members
Any person who in the opinion of the Executive Committee has made a special contribution to hip surgery and who has accepted the invitation of the Committee to become a member of the Association. Honorary Members may also come from outside Europe. They shall have free access to the electronic issue of the Society's journal, but shall not be entitled to vote.
Companion Members
Non-orthopaedic surgeons could be elected as Companion Members, according to the Executive Committee?s advice and after presentation of a communication at a meeting, supported by two Full Members of the Society. Companion Members shall pay an annual subscription fee. They shall have no voting rights, but they shall receive a free subscription of the Society's print journal.