Volodymyr Filipenko

Nat Rep for Ukraine

Prof Volodymyr Filipenko is head of Joint Pathology Department of the Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology, National Academy of Medical sciences of Ukraine. His main interest is in primary and revision hip and knee arthroplasty. His research group is focused on 3D modelling of acetabular and tibial defects in primary and revision arthroplasty with the use of bone grafts and artificial materials, including calcium phosphate ceramics.

His department also specializes in hip-spine pathology, hip replacement after spine fusion.

Volodymyr Filipenko
MD, PhD (orthopaedics and traumatology), DMSc

Chief of Joint Pathology Department
Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology,
National Academy of Medical sciences of Ukraine,

Plamen Kinov

Nat Rep for Bulgaria

Plamen Kinov has been involved in academic education and research all his professional career and has large experience in primary hip replacement and revision surgery and teaches students and residents. He is well published on hip and revision hip replacement and their complications and takes an active participation in national and international scientific events. He is an active member of AO Trauma, a faculty member of AO Recon and has organized several national and international scientific events. He is a former vice president of BOTA.

Plamen Kinov MD
Head of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Medical University of Sofia
Head of Department of Orthopaedics, University Hospital Queen Giovanna
Professor at Clinic of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Sofia, Bulgaria

Tina S Wik

Nat Rep for Norway

Tina S Wik, MD PhD
Head of Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
St Olavs Hospital
7006 Trondheim, Norway

Dr Tina S Wik attended medical school at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. After internship she specialized in orthopaedic surgery and was employed as consultant in orthopaedic surgery St Olavs hospital in 2013. She has specialized in hip and knee arthroplasty, and was appointed as head of the same orthopaedic department in 2020.

Dr Wik completed her PhD in 2011 on the topic “Experimental evaluation of new concepts in hip arthroplasty”, with Dr Arild Aamodt as supervisor. She has held a position as Associate Professor at NTNU since 2015. At the time being she leads the PAFFA-research group, focusing on pain and function after fast track arthroplasty.

Boris Šteňo

Associate Professor Boris Steno, MD, PhD
EHS Nat Rep for Slovakia & EHS Ambassador 

Since 1993 I work as an orthopaedic surgeon in Bratislava, the capital of Slovak Republic. For the first two years of my professional career I started my work at the Department of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery in Bratislava. Since 1995 I worked at the II University Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in Bratislava. This was one of the few orthopaedic departments in Slovakia that was dealing with acute muscoloskeletal trauma in early 90s. Decision making in trauma care is still an integral part of my daily medical practice. After completing my orthopaedic education combined with travelling fellowships in Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and Hungary I focused in hip surgery. Since 2017 I am the head of II University Department of Orthopeadic and Trauma Surgery at the Comenius University Medical Faculty.

As a second generation orthopaedic surgeon I had the opportunity to take care of patients operated formerly by my father. Hip revision surgery and complex primary cases become a major part of my surgical practice since early years of my practice.

Hip and revision arthroplasty surgery in Slovakia has made big progress in last 3 decades. The numbers of arthroplasties rose to comparable numbers with most developed European countries. The implants used in Slovakia are still of high quality materials and designs, with reasonable financial reimbursement. The availability of orthopaedic care is still at a high level. We can match our data with other countries using the results from Slovak Arthroplasty Registry (SAR). The registry is for orthopaedic surgeons a powerful tool to control the results of arthroplasties since a decade and half. The registry uses data completed over 95% with the coverage of all procedures over 92%. Dr Libor Necas, the founder and head of the SAR and former EHS National Representative for Slovakia, is still taking care to hold the Slovak Arthroplasty Registry among the most valuated registries worldwide. The cumulative revision rate for THA is below 8.5%.

Revision hip arthroplasty surgery in Slovakia uses for nearly two decades modern implants, with very good reimbursement from the health insurance companies. This is the reason for using modern trabecular metal modular implants in arthroplasty centers for both revisions and complex primary arthroplasties. In this field we can share on a regular basis our knowledge and results in Master revision courses with colleagues from other countries across the whole of Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa and Asia for nearly a decade.

Close cooperation with EFORT brought EFORT Fora to Slovakia in October 2019. Together with Prof George Macheras (EHS Past President) and Prof Roberto Binazzi (EHS EduCom member), I organised the EFORT Fora concerning postdysplastic osteoarthritis. Unfortunately the AO Recon basic course we were organising for November 2020 in Bratislava together with Prof Macheras has to be postponed to Spring 2021. Cooperation between members of EHS, and former Ambassadors Prof Macheras, Prof Binazzi, my friends, members of EFORT Board and from International Hip Society Prof Luigi Zagra and Prof Alessandro Masse helps us to organize meetings, create workshops and share knowledge in the evolving field of hip surgery.

European Hip Society is an organization of international significance. For smaller countries like Slovakia, EHS is in my eyes a society with even bigger importance. It covers the field of hip surgery from basic science to long term clinical results in conservative and arthroplasty techniques. The broad spectrum of hip surgery is discussed in EHS meetings and published in the society´s journal Hip International. Information and knowledge from the field of hip surgery help to improve the quality of life of the patients we treat.

It is a great privilege and honour for me to be a National Representative of Slovakia and an Ambassador for the European Hip Society. I am looking forward to participate in organizing meetings, sharing expertise, together with EHS members and to increase the collaboration with Slovak Orthopaedic and Trauma Society.

Hannes Rüdiger

Vice Head of Hip Surgery at Schulthess Clinic, Zürich & Senior Lecturer at University of Zurich & Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich

BSc MD (Res) MCh (Orth) FRCS (Orth) FFSEM

After graduation from medical school  at the University of Zurich in 1998, I spent three years in basic research at Duke University (NC/USA). I then pursued training in orthopaedics and traumatology at the University of Zürich, followed by fellowships in orthopaedic tumor surgery in Florence and Melbourne and another fellowship in hip and knee arthroplasty in Melbourne. I then was appointed as head of hip and tumor surgery at the University of Lausanne ( 2011-2014 ). Since 2014 I am working at the Schulthess Clinic in Zürich, currently in the position of Vice Head of Hip Surgery. My current research interest is focused on biomechanical aspects of hip replacement surgery and on outcome studies. I am a senior lecturer at the University of Zurich and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ).

PD Dr. Hannes A. Rüdiger, MD

Fares Haddad

Professor of Orthopaedic and Sports Surgery, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Director of ISEH, Divisional Clinical Director of Surgical Specialties at UCH

BSc MD (Res) MCh (Orth) FRCS (Orth) FFSEM

Professor Fares Haddad is a Hip and Knee Reconstructive Orthopaedic and Sports Surgeon at University College Hospitals.  He is Divisional Clinical Director of Surgical Specialties at UCH, and Director of the Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health at University College London. He graduated from the University College London Hospitals with a First Class BSc and MB BS.  His basic training in hip and knee surgery and reconstruction started in London on the St Bartholomew’s, Royal Free and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital rotations and was subsequently enhanced by fellowship training in the United States and Canada.  He was the gold medallist in the FRCS (Orth) exam and has gained a large number of prizes and prestigious academic awards.  He has been an EFORT Travelling Fellow, British Hip Society Travelling Fellow and ABC Travelling Fellow in 2004. He became a Hunterian Professor in 2005.

Professor Haddad’s clinical and research endeavours have centred around hip and knee reconstruction. His interests include the expansion of knee and hip arthroscopic techniques to deal with sports injuries, new bearing surfaces and outcomes assessment in hip, knee and revision surgery.  His work also encompasses novel strategies to manage patients with knee ligament and cartilage injuries. He provides medical input at elite level for dancers and a number of elite sports including football, athletics, rugby, boxing and martial arts. He was the musculoskeletal lead at the 2012 London Olympics and runs the IOC research centre at ISEH. He is chief medical officer for the NFL in he UK.

He has presented and published widely (over 500 peer reviewed publications)  on key aspects of hip, knee and sports surgery and continues to lead a clinical research group with interests in hip and knee joint preservation after injury, prosthetic design and performance and outcomes measurement after hip / knee surgery and sports injuries. He is editor in chief of the Bone and Joint Journal.

Website: www.fareshaddad.co.uk

Per Wretenberg

Professor in Orthopedic Surgery at Örebro University Hospital.

He got his training at the Karolinska Institute (KI) and has previously been professor at KI and head of the joint reconstruction unit at the Department of Orthopaedic surgery at the Karoliska University Hospital for 10 years before moving to Örebro.

In Örebro he will be responsible for building the research unit at the department of Orthopaedic Surgery. “My initial focus will be development of advanced technical tools for increased accuracy during joint replacement, and the coming month we will perform the first hip replacements with a new navigation system that looks very promising”, says Per Wretenberg. He is also responsible for the orthopaedic education.

José Cordero-Ampuero

Prof José Cordero-Ampuero

– Member of EHS EduCom

– Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and Head of Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, University Hospital La Princesa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

– My clinical activity is mainly dedicated to hip revision surgery, arthroplasty infection, periprosthetic fractures, and difficult primary hip surgery

– My research activity has been concentrated all along my professional life on arthroplasty infection, hip arthroplasty and hip fracture.

Stephan Vehmeijer


Stephan Vehmeijer, MD, PhD

Orthopaedic Surgeon
Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis

Delft, The Netherlands

In 2005 Stephan Vehmeijer became a consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis in Delft, The Netherlands. Here his main fields of interest lie in hip surgery, hip arthroplasty, hip revision surgery and Rapid Recovery. The Reinier de Graaf is a visiting center for the Anterior Supine Intermuscular (ASI) hip approach and for Rapid Recovery. Outpatient THA’s are performed routinely since April 2014. His research focus lies on fast track recovery and the anterior hip approach.
Stephan is married, has three daughters and lives in Aerdenhout, The Netherlands.

George A. Macheras

George A. Macheras MD, PhD.

  1. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Head of Orthopaedic Department “KAT” General Hospital of Athens, Greece.
  2. Director of the Medical Services “KAT” General Hospital of Athens, Greece.
  3. Past President of the Hellenic Orthopaedic Association.
  4. Member at Large of EFORT Executive Committee
  5. Member of the Educational Committee of EFORT.
  6. Leader of the governing body of the EFORT annual congress scientific committee.
  7. Professor of post graduated training medical scheme at the University of Piraeus.
  8. National representative of European Hip Society.
  9. Past President of European Hip Society.
  10. Section Editor of European Orthopaedic and Traumatology Journal.
  11. Member of the Editorial board of the Hellenic Orthopaedic Association Journal.
  12. Member of the Editorial board of the European Orthopaedic and Traumatology Journal (EOTR).
  13. Member of the Specialty Society Standing Scientific Committee of EFORT.
  14. Reviewer of the JBJS British.
  15. Reviewer CORR.
  16. Reviewer of the Hip International Journal.
  17. Reviewer of the European Journal of Orthopaedic and Traumatology.
  18. Reviewer of the Indian Journal of Orthopaedic and Traumatology.
  19. Member of Public affairs committee Liaison EFORT -European Community.
  20. Member of the EFORT Fellow ship committee.
  21. Member of the International Hip Society.
  22. Honorary member of the Bulgarian Orthopaedic Association.
  23. Honorary member of the Argentinian Orthopaedic Association.
  24. Coordinator for the scientific program of EFORT, section: Pelvis, Hip and Femur (2013-2018).
  25. Chairman of the EFORT FORA Committee.