Letter from the President, Dr B Willem Schreurs
Dear All,
I wish you all a very Happy New Year for 2018. It is the year of our 13th congress in The Hague in September (20-22nd) and now the countdown has truly begun.
As you know, although we focus on Europe, our guest society will be the Argentinian Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (ACARO), so we will add the view of hip orthopaedics from this country to our European outlook – as well as of course other South American member countries such as Brazil and Columbia, plus hip orthopaedic friends from all over the world, including Egypt, Iran, Israel, Japan and the USA.
We will maintain the high standard of invited symposia and instructed course lectures that our EHS congresses have become known for.
Invited Symposia
- Treatment options of the symptomatic adolescent hip joint
- Knowledge gaps in peri-operative management of hip surgery
- How to interpret and use register data
- How to minimize the risks for dislocation and treatment options for dislocations
- Proximal femoral fractures: defining the problem and treatment options
- Total hips in young patients
- State of the art of customized 3D prosthesis and computer navigation / robotics in revisions
- Revisions on the femoral side
- Revisions on the acetabular side
Instructional Course Lectures
- Resurfacing hips revisited
- Alternative outcomes after total hip arthroplasty
- Guidelines for follow-up of Metal on Metal prosthesis
- The infected hip
- Short stems / Hip arthroscopy
We welcome submission of abstracts for original contribution in the following scientific tracks:
- Expectations / outcome / PROMS after hip surgery
- Hip arthroscopy
- Hip preserving surgery
- Hip Infections
- Paediatric hip orthopaedics
- Primary hip surgery
- Revision hip surgery
- Trauma of pelvis and or hip
The Congress will be submitted for accreditation by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). I urge all our members to get involved and together we will make this the best EHS Congress to date.
Best wishes,
Your EHS President, B Willem Schreurs
Letter from the Secretary General, Associate Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis
Dear Members,
In December, the MAST Course in Arthroplasty Surgery ran for the fourth consecutive year in Thessaloniki, Hellas, and was a great success, welcoming 200 delegates with over 8 hours of lectures, 9 workshops (of three hours each) and a day of live video surgery. It is an EFORT-approved event co-organized by EHS. Chairs included: EHS President, B Willem Schreurs, EHS President Elect, Jean-Alain Epinette, EHS Past President, George Macheras and EHS Full Member Søren Overgaard.
This year the main theme was MIS Arthroplasty and related techniques and technologies and there was much interest around our international virtual reality training course, “VITRO 1” (Virtual Training Orthopaedics 1), where participants enjoyed the unique opportunity to train in hip arthroplasty surgery with virtual reality and augmented reality.
The next EHS-organised course will be in Stockholm, Sweden: the Annual Revision THA Course from 4-6th April 2018. (Click for more information.)
In the next Newsletter, our member Prof John Skinner will report on the brand new rebuild at Stanmore’s Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust, UK, and Prof Søren Overgaard will write on the cemented paradox in primary THA. Please remember that this Newsletter is for all our members to get involved in, so if you have something you particularly want to write in about, such as an upcoming hip event in your area or an interesting hip surgery debate or hot topic, please contact our PA Samantha Stokes at samstokesehs@gmail.com and she will publish your words here.
That just leaves me to wish all our members a happy, healthy and prosperous 2018.
EHS Secretary General, Associate Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis