Dear EHS Members,

I am delighted to announce that abstract submission for our 14th EHS Congress in Lille (1-2nd October 2020) is now officially OPEN!  Please visit our congress website at where you can also enjoy our latest “Interview of the Month” by esteemed EHS SciCom Member, Prof Manel Ribas of Barcelona, Spain.

The topics for abstract submission are: Acetabular revisions; Dissatisfied patient; False easy primary hips; Femoral revisions; Hip arthroscopy; Hip paediatrics; Hip resurfacing; Hip-spine relationship; Hip surgical improvements; Instability; Infection; Joint preservation; New technologies; Outcomes/proms in Hip surgery; Periprosthetic fractures; Postop complications; Proximal femoral fractures; Short stems; Trauma of pelvis and/or hip joint. 

The EHS SciCom and myself really look forward to welcoming your original abstracts over the next few weeks. The deadline is 15th March 2020, after which, they will all be carefully reviewed and acceptance will take place in May. The presenting author is required to register to the Congress before 30th June 2020.

For now, I wish all our members a wonderful winter break and look forward to the Change of the Year, when we will enter the year of the 14th EHS Congress!

And finally, thanks to Dr Nicola Santori, our Nat Rep for Italy, for being the EHS Ambassador of the Month. He reports on the SIOT course below.

With the best regards from the entire EHS Board,

Jean-Alain Epinette, MD


Letter from the Secretary General, Professor Eleftherios Tsiridis

Eleftherios Tsiridis

Dear Members,

We are happy to announce the EHS Travelling Fellows 2020: Dr Nick Beckmann from Switzerland and Mr Syed Ahmed from UK. Congratulations to them both and thank you to our other applicants, who I hope will reapply next time. The host country will be Italy and the fellowship will take place in Spring of the New Year.

Meanwhile this month, we wish a warm welcome to new Full EHS Member Prof Dominic Meek of Glasgow, UK, as well as new Young Member Dr Karim Ouattara of Ivry sur Seine, France.

The EHS joint symposium with SIOT in Rome earlier this month was a great success, thanks to Dr Nicola Santori, EHS Nat Rep for Italy, for his report below. Next is the EHS-organized MAST Course on Current Concepts in Advanced Arthroplasty Surgery in Thessaloniki, 6-8th December, now in its 6th year. The New Year brings the ICJR Direct Anterior Approach THA Course in Innsbruck, Austria (30th January – 1st February), where EHS members can enjoy a 50% discount, see our report below from Martin Thaler, EHS Treasurer. More meetings are on our Hip Meetings Calendar.

Wish all our members a happy winter holiday and a nice peaceful time with their families and friends.

Best wishes,

EHS Secretary General, Professor Eleftherios Tsiridis

EHS Ambassador of the Month, Nicola Santori

EHS Nat Rep for Italy

The conjoined symposium SIOT/EHS took place in Rome the morning of Friday the 8th of November in the main hall of the Waldorf Astoria hotel during the 104th annual meeting of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Main topics of the symposium were “uncommon reason for THR failure” and “strategies for difficult situations in primary THR” with 8 lectures and ample time for discussion.

For the EHS we had the honor to have Per Kjærsgaard-Andersen, Wim Schreurs and Martin Thaler. The SIOT lectures were given by Giuseppe Solarino, Guido Grappiolo, Luigi Zagra, Franco Benazzo and myself. The symposium was a real success and I personally received a special thanks from the SIOT president Francesco Falez, who asked me to express his gratitude and satisfaction to our international guests and to the EHS President Jean-Alain Epinette for promoting and supporting this initiative.

My special thanks go to Luigi Zagra who helped me greatly with the choice of the topics and the organization.

I really believe it is great opportunity for us all to take advantage of the educational cooperation offered from the European Hip Society. Sharing experiences and information is crucial for our continuous improvement in all fields of hip surgery and I’m sure this event has been extremely important also to increase the visibility of the EHS in my country. I hope we will have the opportunity to repeat this experience in the future!

Dr Nicola Santori MD, PhD

Prof Martin Thaler, EHS Treasurer


Dear EHS Members,
Dear Colleagues,

Once again I would like to remind you about the Direct Anterior Approach THA Course in collaboration with the EHS and the ICJR, which will take place on 30th January to 1st February 2020 in Innsbruck, Austria.

The course will offer a thorough education on the surgical and patient processes associated with the direct anterior hip approach, from patient selection through patient recovery and postoperative follow-up, and will include a hands-on cadaver workshop and multiple live surgeries.

EHS members get discounted registration of 500 Euros for the entire course, including the lab.

Go to to register for this highly anticipated course on the direct anterior approach, or CLICK HERE for more info.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Innsbruck.

Kind regards,

Ass Prof Martin Thaler

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If you prefer to pay digitally, please find the EHS bank details (IBAN etc) here. Thank you

President’s and Secretary General’s photos © Intercongress GmbH / Tobias Tanzyna