Letter from the President, Prof Werner Siebert
Dear Members,
The preliminary Scientific Programme for the EHS Congress in Munich this September (6th-9th) is available from our dedicated website, ehs-congress.org. There you can find all our courses, meetings, presentations and symposia, day by day, to find what most interests you in our vast field of hip surgery. You can also see the Faculty members listed there and more information about the congress in general.
Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this great new EHS website, which will work equally well on your tablet and mobile phone. The EHS facebook has also launched, so please have a look when you have time and “like it”.
I will be at EFORT in Geneva and look forward to seeing those able to make it.
Your EHS President, Werner Siebert
Letter from the Secretary General, A Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis
We are delighted to launch this, the new European Hip Society website, as well as the EHS facebook page – a platform for communication which we hope to develop with your cooperation and use. As you can see, the monthly Newsletter will now be presented within the website as you see it now, so that you can easily read it without downloading a separate pdf document. The new website also has summaries of scientific meetings and courses that our members have been involved in – such as the Ukraine Combined Course which took place earlier this month with great success. And as you will see below, our Newsletter now has links to upcoming meetings, such as Vreden Reading in St Petersberg later in the year.
On behalf of the EHS ExCom I would like to wish a warm welcome to our new members, Mr Alister Hart from London, UK, Dr Ton Vervest from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Dr Heinz Röttinger from Krailling, Germany, Mr Andrej Moličnik from Dravograd, Slovenia and our new Young Member Dr Mohammad Tabaza from Bologna, Italy.
The European Hip Society will have a booth at the EFORT congress next month (C2-38), so please come and find us. It will be our pleasure to talk about any aspects of EHS.
EHS Secretary General, A Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis

The most recognized Greek Hip surgeon is Prof Hartofilakidis. His contribution in the classification and understanding of hip pathology in developmental dysplasia is enormous
George Macheras, Nat Rep for Hellas
Nowadays the Greek hip surgeons have an excellent educational background with great experience been able to cover all hip pathologies especially complex primaries and revision hip arthroplasties. The number of THA’s shows an increased trend compared to the previous years and the number of revision THA’ s, remain in similar rate compared to other countries. The Greek members of the EHS are all prominent members of the Greek Orthopedic community and they participate actively in all EHS, EFFORT and AAOS meetings presenting p their work and experience in hip surgery. The first Hip arthroplasty has been performed 40 years ago. Our National records show that currently more than 5.000 primary total hips and 1000 revision hip surgeries are performed annually. In all district hospitals orthopaedic surgeons are able to perform primary and revision hip surgeries. The difficult and complicated cases are referred to the teaching hospitals and to specialized centers. The Hellenic Orthopaedic Association is organizing annual teaching programs for the junior doctors. Fellowships are also given to some junior doctors to go to specialized centers worldwide. The most recognized Greek Hip surgeon is Prof Hartofilakidis (photographed above right). His contribution in the classification and understanding of the hip pathology in developmental dysplasia is enormous. Greek hip surgeons have published many papers in international journals on hip pathology, surgical techniques and results of their operations. The first EHS meeting was organized in Greece(Crete) by Prof. Dretakis, founding member of the EHS and was successful. In 2010 another very successful EHS meeting was organized in Athens by George Macheras, another founding member of EHS. In 2012 a combined EHS-EFORT meeting was organized in Athens ( KAT Hospital) witch was attended by 150 international participants, with interactive discussions and live surgery transmition. The local hip and knee society is very active organizing annual meetings and sessions during the Hellenic Orthopaedic Association meetings.
Despite having a long history national joint registry in Slovenia is still not functional. Important steps have, however, been accomplished in the last year
Rihard Trebse, Nat Rep for Slovenia
Slovenian hip pathologies are covered by 130 orthopaedic surgeons and approximately 100 traumatologists. Trauma is treated by specialized traumatologists in large centres, general surgeons focused on trauma in regional hospitals, while orthopaedic surgeons care for the rest of the derangements. In five orthopaedic departments within general hospitals, one university associated orthopaedic clinic, one specialised orthopaedic hospital, and trauma centres 4050 artificial hips are implanted yearly giving an incidence of 200/100000. Despite having a long history national joint registry is still not functional. Important steps have, however, been accomplished in the last year. A local hip implant and explant registry covering 35% of cases has been active since 2002 showing a 13% revision burden. Due to unfavourable experiences with 28mm MOM bearings in the Nineties, we avoided the big head MOM story. IT technologies are increasingly being integrated in planning and executing hip preserving and hip replacement surgeries, and hip trauma.
Upcoming Event...
The Vreden’s Readings Research and Practice Conference has been held annually since 2007 and is considered the best joint replacement event in Russia.
The Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation and public organizations support the Vreaden’s Readings Conference.
About 1000 leading traumotologists and orthopedists from Russia and the CIS participate in the conference.
The conference speakers are world famous specialists from Russia, Europe, North America and Asia.
One of the top conference topics is hip replacement that traditionally attracts the majority of delegates.
Along with exploring new technologies and successful results in the managment of traumatic injuries and orthopedic disorders, the conference is educational in nature and has its goal to shape right orthopedics philosophy of young specialists.
As a result of the Vreden’s Readings Conference, many orthopedics problems in medical assistance are successfully solved.
Official conference web site: http://vredenreadings.org/eng/