Calling for new EHS Committee members

The EHS EduCom and SciCom are welcoming new members!

EHS Members should apply via their Nat Rep (who needs to approve their candidacy).

Applicants should be productive, active members of our society with academic merits and hip publications.

Applications will be judged by the relevant committee and finally approved by the ExCom.

Deadline: 31st October 2021. Email CV & motivation letter via your Nat Rep to:

Thank you and Good Luck

The New President of the EHS:
Prof Klaus Siebenrock MD

This is me

I’m very much honored to act as the new president of the prestigious EHS from 2021 to 2023!

My professional and scientific career was built up at the University Hospital for Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the University of Bern, Switzerland, the renown Mayo Clinic at Rochester, MN, USA and the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, CA, USA. In 2004, I was assigned Chairman and Director of the Department for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology at the University of Bern, Switzerland.

Besides leadership my surgical practice and academic work focuses on hip surgery covering all fields from THA, an increasing number of complex THA revisions, hip traumatology and treatment of the painful young hip. Hip joint preservation surgery is a dominant domain in which my Department is regarded to be among the international leaders. Latest research and innovative surgical treatment modalities are presented and published (CORR©) in context with the Hip Symposium Bern every two years.

My publication list includes about 250 peer-reviewed papers ( Research grants are provided by the Swiss National Foundation or international grants. The most prestigious awards include Gold Paper Awards (EFORT) and the Pauwels Medal (German Orthopaedic Society (DGOU)) in 2016. I am an assigned active member in many committees (e.g., Swiss Orthopaedics, the national Societies for hips and tumors, the International Hip Society, EHS).

My goals as a president of the EHS are twofold. First, we should spread knowledge and promote academic work on the field of hip and pelvic disorders and treatment within Europe in order to become more visible in the entire world. Second, we need to intensify education and training of young hip surgeons. This should be done by fellowships at renown European hip centers, structured educational courses and a common curriculum in the future.

Letter from the Secretary General, Professor Stanislav Bondarenko

Dear Members,

Well done to all involved in the EHS Congress, especially to Dr Epinette for organising EHS’s first hybrid congress. His report will follow soon. Welcome to Prof Siebenrock who takes over as EHS President and congratulations to Prof Tsiridis for his election victory to become EHS President 2023-2025. Huge thanks to our EHS Treasurer, Prof Martin Thaler, who did an excellent job with the EHS finances and was released for his report by the auditors at the General Assembly in September. See the Minutes of the meeting HERE.

In my first Newsletter, I would like to offer 3 ways for you to get involved in our community:-

  1. On 15-16th October I welcome you all to the International Conference “Advanced Treatment of Hip, Knee & Shoulder Pathology” in my hometown, Kharkiv, Ukraine, and organized by Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons (in cooperation with EHS and EFORT). Please see more HERE.
  2. For the annual congress 2022 in Lisbon, EFORT has called for abstracts (deadline: 15.11.2021) and we hope many of you will submit papers. Also, you can still make scientific topic proposals (deadline: 15.10.2021).
  3. Our Swiss Member, Prof Bastian, is the Guest Editor at Medicina for a special issue on “THA – Current Challenges” and invites you to contribute a research article or a comprehensive review, with the deadline 31st March 2022. Click HERE to read more about it.

We look forward to receiving your application to join the EHS committees (see top of Newsletter). And I sign off by congratulating Prof Vendittoli and Prof Trebse for winning the Hip International Awards at our congress.

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If you prefer to pay digitally, please find the EHS bank details (IBAN etc) here. Thank you