epinette NL

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Some words to wish you a very nice and pleasant summer time!…

Just back from the EFORT Lisbon congress, which was really enjoyable and fruitful… Our EHS had been committed in several participations in symposia and specialty sessions, as well as in various educational committees. The feed back was excellent, and the European Hip Society is gaining step by step the status of an essential voice within our European Orthopaedic Community, as long as hip surgery matters get addressed. Thanks again for your precious and involvement in EHS commitments!

In line with a spreading worldwide recognition of our scientific activities, we could clarify the role of our EHS Ambassadors, and thus avoid any kind of misunderstanding about this role. Some of our members are excellent scientific speakers, who would be happy to present their works in national or international meetings, while being proudly supported by the European Hip Society, although not being (so far!) members of either the Scientific or Educational EHS Committees.

This position is definitely not competing with our EHS elected National Representatives, as a Nat Rep position is mainly a major link for four years (with the chance of one re-election), between EHS organization and orthopaedic surgeons within their country, while the Ambassador status remains a scientific asset for specific case-by-case participations supported or coordinated by EHS. Of course, all our members from either the scientific or educational committees (also a four year post with a chance of one re-election) are de facto Ambassadors, and on the other hand any Nat Rep can additionally be an Ambassador!… We simply try to support scientific voices with the help of such ambassadors, and maybe, we might think about a position of “Senior Ambassador” after three effective and well-regarded participations in our scientific activities?…

In such a way, we express our gratitude to the 50 members who have already applied for this position of EHS Ambassador: we need from each of them (and from the future applicants as well) a “hip-related” CV, also indicating their scientific and professional status, and the list of their potential lectures. Based on this collection of potential ambassadors’ data, the Board will be able to approve some of them to support their submission and address them each time we need a brilliant voice to “Bring Orthopaedic Surgeons Together” within the European Hip Society!…

The “Ambassador of the Month” will be Dr George Macheras, who is one of these “brilliant voices”… He was our President some years ago, and still the Nat Rep for Greece… He has organized lots of scientific sessions both with EHS and EFORT, and could be seen as an immediate “Senior Ambassador”!!! … So, congratulations, George, and thank you again for your continuous help in our Society …

To each of you, and on behalf of the entire EHS Board,

Very best (and very, very warm!!!) regards…

Jean-Alain Epinette, MD


Letter from the Secretary General, Professor Eleftherios Tsiridis

Eleftherios Tsiridis

Dear Members,

Good to see so many of you in Lisboa at the EFORT congress last month. We have created a little gallery of photos HERE. Thanks to those who attended our General Assembly there, please find the Minutes of the meeting on this website. We announced a new Nat Rep for Switzerland at the meeting, Dr Hannes Ruediger, who we wish a warm welcome to, and we approved with a show of hands an increase in the membership fee for the first time in 15 years, to €150 for Full and International Members, and €75 for Young. This will be effective from 2020.

EHS is running another online survey on: “Recommendations for physical activity after primary total hip arthroplasty”, regarding recommendations to return to physical activity after THA. We ask our members to please spare 10 minutes of their time to take this survey. All data and questions will be absolutely anonymous and all answered questions will be saved, for easy return to the last answered question.

Thanks to the applicants we received for the British Hip Society Fellowship last month. Good luck. New members to EHS this month include International Member Prof Chi Zhang from Shanghai in China, our sole Chinese member to date, and Dr Mark Anthony Roussot, a new Young Member from London, UK.

Upcoming courses after the hot summer months include the Lyon Hip Arthroplasty (12-13 September) with a focus on the femoral stem, the National Congress of the Italian Hip Society SIdA in Bergamo (19- 20 September), with EHS Patreonage and the Vreden’s Reading Conference in Russia (26-28th September 2019) where the main topics are Hip Preservation Surgery & Revision.

In November we have the Italian Orthopedic Society’s meeting in Rome, Italy, including a conjoined symposium of SIOT & EHS at 9.30-11.30am on Friday 8th November. Following that is the Hospital da Luz Lisboa’s 4th Lisbon International Hip Symposium (14-15th November 2019) with EHS Patronage. Organisation is well underway for the MAST Course on Current Concepts in Advanced Arthroplasty Surgery in Thessaloniki, Greece (6-8th December), an EFORT-approved and EHS-organised congress now in it’s 6th year. More info on all these is available from our Hip Meetings Calendar.

I have announced to you already by email news of my promotion to Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery at Papageorgiou General Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Medical School in Greece – thanks to all who sent kind congratulations. I look forward to continuing working with you all in my new capacity and take the opportunity to wish you all a pleasant summer.

Best wishes,

EHS Secretary General, Professor Eleftherios Tsiridis

EHS Ambassador of the Month, George Macheras, Greece 

My scientific colleagues and I recently organized an AORecon course in Athens, Greece, which was sold out with 64 participants from different countries such as Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Switzerland, Ireland and Bahrein. The majority of the faculty was EHS members, such as myself,  Prof Tsiridis, Dr Poultsidis, Prof Babis, Prof Karachalios, Dr Drosos, Dr Christofilopoulos, Prof Kinov, Prof Benazzo and Prof Argenson. We ran some research on:-

1. Vitamin E poly wear using the Martel software

2. quality of life of patients operated for THA using DAA

3. postoperative pain management using the fixed-dose combination of Dexketoprofen and tramadol

Meanwhile, outside of my country, I was recently appointed Distinguished Professor of Dalian University in Dalian, China. Following the EFORT congress in Lisbon, I travelled to Sao Paolo, Brazil, to be on the faculty in two AORecon courses on principle and advance total hip and total knee arthroplasties.

In August I will be the international chairman in another two AORecon courses in Colombia (Bogota and Cartagena) with similar topics on THA and TKA. EFORT summer school FORTE is another activity I am usually involved in, but this year I will not be present as I have to be in the UK for my daughter’s graduation ceremony. Then at the end of October I will be in Mexico for the orthopaedic society’s national meeting.

In all of these meetings I mention, I represent EHS.

Dr George Macheras, Nat Rep for Greece, EHS President 2008-10

George Macheras is pictured centre in the above photo from the EFORT congress in Lisboa, with EHS President, Jean-Alain Epinette & EHS Secretary General, Eleftherios Tsiridis

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President’s and Secretary General’s photos © Intercongress GmbH / Tobias Tanzyna