epinette NL

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

After the winter, comes spring, sun, happy days, and lots of EHS commitments!…

The coming months will be very busy (again) with EHS projects, all around Europe. We will participate in two EHS co-organised course, i.e. Stockholm International Hip revision course next week, and later on the International Conference “Advanced Treatment of Hip and Knee Pathology” in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

In addition a high-ranking opportunity to present our works will take place at EFORT in Lisbon: We are in charge of providing a full session on June, Friday 7th (3:00 pm to 6:30 pm at EHS Specialty Session day). Together with Luigi Zagra and the EHS Scientific Committee, an appealing agenda has been set up, with the invaluable participation of our EHS Ambassadors!… The title will be “Innovations, Current trends in arthroplasty and outcomes”. Hence Robotic surgery, additive manufacturing, novel approach of registries, very new imaging techniques and their applications in our daily practice, as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Orthopaedics will take place within this session. The detailed program of this EHS-EFFORT session can be downloaded by clicking here.

We will in addition have great pleasure to host during this session Prof Fares Haddad, as our new UK National Representative. Fares is a famous surgeon and researcher and has been chosen by the British Hip Society to represent their Society within our European organization. It is great news … warmest welcome to him for a so distinguished contribution to EHS.

Of course, we also are already working hard to finalize the program of the next 21th EHS Congress in Lille on October 1st and 2nd, 2020. The preliminary program is coming soon, as the official EHS Lille 2020 website will be released during the EFORT Lisbon congress in June.

In such a way, we are delighted to confirm again two major appointments between “Hip European (and overseas) Surgeons”, i.e. firstly this EHS Specialty Session on June 7th on the one hand, and of course the 2020 October 1st and 2nd in Lille at our 21st European congress.

More to see, and back soon!

On behalf of the entire EHS Board, our very best regards,

Jean-Alain Epinette, MD


Letter from the Secretary General, Professor Eleftherios Tsiridis

Dear Members,

Eleftherios Tsiridis

Please note the date for our annual General Assembly this year will be in Lisbon during the EFORT Congress on Thursday 6th June 18.30-19.30 at the Vila Galé Ópera Hotel (two minutes’ walk from the EFORT congress hall). We hope to see many of you there. An Agenda will be sent to you all nearer the time.

Thanks to all who applied for our EHS Visiting Fellowship 2019. Our EduCom will now put the best two through to the ExCom for final approval and the two winners will be announced here soon – as well as the host country. Good luck!

The EHS Travelling Fellowship 2019 is happening right now and our winners Dr Brunner and Dr Perticarini are travelling around the ORs of the UK learning from the experts. Their report will be featured on our website soon.

We are delighted to announce our new Nat Rep for UK, Prof Fares Haddad of UCL, BSc MD (Res) MCh (Orth) FRCS (Orth) FFSEM. Please read a brief introduction from him below. Thanks to Mr Evert Smith, who held the post before him for many years.

This April, there are two EHS Co-Organised courses. Our President is attending the one in Sweden, the Stockholm Revision Course, while our President Elect will be speaking at the Kharkiv Conference on the Advanced Treatment of Hip and Knee Pathology in Ukraine. We have also added the Vreden’s Reading course to our calendar of hip meetings, which takes place every September in St Petersberg, Russia.

We wish a warm welcome to two new Full Members, Dr Boyer (France) and Dr Mazek (Poland), and two new International Members, Dr Meftah (USA) and Dr Flordelis (Philippines).

Thank you to everyone who has paid their annual membership dues for 2019 already. Please contact our Membership Secretary Samantha Stokes (samstokesehs@gmail.com) for any help.

Best wishes,

EHS Secretary General, Professor Eleftherios Tsiridis

Fares Haddad

Nat Rep for UK, Fares Haddad

It is a great privilege for me to start as the UK representative to the European Hip Society.  I have been  a member and a great supporter of the European Hip Society for almost 20 years and I have seen it grown in stature and influence during that time.  At the same time, there have been tremendous developments in hip surgery, in the clinical and research and educational fields in the UK, and it will be a privilege to try and marry many of the great things that happened in the UK and integrate them with activities around Europe, and also to understand some of the wonderful practices and innovations undertaken by EHS members and translate those to our community in the United Kingdom. I look forward to meeting EHS colleagues and to fruitful collaborations. 

Click here for Prof Haddad’s biography.

Professor of Orthopaedic and Sports Surgery,
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Director of ISEH,
Divisional Clinical Director of Surgical Specialties at UCH

EHS Ambassador of the month, Nicolas Reina, France

Dear Colleagues,

Ambassador for the European Hip Society is an opportunity to meet, exchange, share with many surgeons with very different backgrounds all over Europe. It is a way to create bonds between the members of our community, to collaborate on projects and see that a similar issue can be solved by different means.

EHS reflects our nations’ capacity for thinking, studying and promoting hip surgery together. I subscribe to these values and when EHS board asked me to fly to the Estonian Conference last year, I did not hesitate. I went there with my friend Manuel Ribas from Barcelona, whose warmth and vivacity are well-known. We had the great opportunity to give lectures on AVN and FAI and meet really welcoming colleagues.

My mentors, Prof Chiron and Prof Puget, heirs of a long-lasting story with hip surgery starting with Profs Ficat, Arlet, Rieunaud in Toulouse, France, had the conscience of the necessity to facilitate those international connections. Since few decades now, they invited German, Spanish, British and American fellow surgeons to the Hip Improvements and Proceedings meeting (HIP), interesting title for a conference, isn’t it?

Next EHS meeting will be held in France. We are so delighted that President Epinette thought it would be a great occasion to merge the conference with our HIP meeting this year. Thus, we will organize a half day in Lille 2020 with two main topics; short stems and acetabular revisions. I am sure we will have a fantastic meeting next year. Another occasion to debate, argue and finally reconcile around a glass of Champagne.

What we all do is not just science, it’s about experience and, as such, exchanges are necessary and fulfilling. EHS aims to develop such interactions promoting ambassadors and many of us should take the opportunity in order to promote our society and make it one of the most productive and interactive in Orthopaedics.

Prof Nicolas Reina, MD PhD

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President’s and Secretary General’s photos © Intercongress GmbH / Tobias Tanzyna