epinette NL

Dear Members of the EHS, dear Colleagues and Friends,

Further to the success of our EHS congress in The Hague, we are already preparing our next congress in Lille 2020! Step by step, our European Hip Society becomes more and more attractive for all orthopaedic surgeons who are interested in Hip surgery, be they experienced practitioners or young residents! Thirty-three new members joined us this year as full members, while in addition thirteen are “young members” and eight “international members” from Egypt, Israel, Japan, USA and Canada. No doubt that these two coming years will be very important to continue on the fruitful tracks already traced by the previous presidents.

We will soon display the first highlights for the Lille 2020 congress, as this meeting is yours, and we need each of you. The venue in France would be extremely appealing, and the organization must be at top… Be sure we will do what is needed for that. Nevertheless,  we cannot do anything without your enthusiasm and cooperation… Of course, the Scientific Committee, with its Chairman Luigi Zagra, will be at the front scene, however each National Representative, each EHS member, must help to draw on an awesome agenda! We plan to focus on round tables, debates, controversial topics, new trends in surgical skills and management, new assets from technology… Please address us through our “contact” section of the website to propose lecturers, debaters, and topics. Be sure we will more than happy to take in great consideration your input!

By the way, a very attractive congress usually takes place every 3-years in Toulouse (South-West of France), chaired by Professor Chiron: the next “Hip Toulouse” was previously scheduled exactly at the same dates as EHS Lille on October 1st and 2nd!… We naturally did not want to compete, and thus a friendly agreement was reached to welcome “Hip Toulouse” … to join us in Lille, and a full half day will be devoted to this “white card” to Philippe Chiron! Another announcement would be soon released about the next invited nation to EHS Lille 2020, which could be Canada, with Professor Pascal-André Vendittoli as their main ambassador… more to see…

In the meantime, our Society continuously remains out on deck, while participating at numbers of EHS-labelled courses within National Congresses in Europe, be it the Rotterdam meeting, or Berlin recently, or again the Athens, followed by the Thessaloniki course, before the Swedish, then Ukrainian ones. In addition, it is much important to keep very strong our links with the EFORT Society, and in that view, Wim Schreurs will be our official representative at the Scientific Committee of EFORT… Good news!…

Last but not least, we will take the opportunity to hold a new frame for this newsletter and the EHS website. We will try to make them less formal, more attractive and user friendly, and plan to request from all of you to become more active “player-managers” at each level of this link between us… Hence, as president, I will not systematically each month write an editorial… this will be taken over by the chairmen of our EHS committees, while each month each national representative, each full or young member, each member of any country out of Europe, will be kindly requested to give us their thoughts about their expectations from EHS, and what this Society affords, or might afford to each of us as “bringing orthopaedic hip surgeons together”…

On behalf of the whole EHS Executive Committee, warm and friendly greetings from your President,

Jean-Alain Epinette MD

This photo and top © Intercongress GmbH / Tobias Tanzyna

Letter from the Secretary General, Professor Eleftherios TsiridisTsiridis

Dear Members,

The EHS Travelling Fellowship 2019 closes for applications on 31st October. Thank you to all the young surgeons who have applied. Meanwhile, our Visiting Fellows 2018 are back from The Netherlands after enjoying a very valuable time and seeing 26 hip surgeries in two weeks in six different clinics, as well as being guests at the combined meeting of the EHS and the Dutch Hip Society. We look forward to publishing their report here next month.

All members, please see the final Minutes from our General Assembly at the EHS Congress last month by logging in as a member from the EHS website homepage. This special Members Area of the website is also where you can access your complimentary Hip International subscription.

DKOU FacultyI am just back from Berlin, where Past President of EHS, Prof Werner Siebert (President of DGOOC) along with Prof Windolf (President of DGU) and Dr Rauch (President of BVOU) organised an excellent DKOU 2018. Hundreds of delegates attended and the guest nation was UK. EHS cooperated with DKOU to hold an O+U International Session on “Impingement and instability of the hip” chaired by Profs Hube, Schreurs, Stockle and von Eisenhart-Rothe. Speakers were M Leunig on: Femoroacetabul impingement – Causes, Screening & prevention; M Dienst on: FAI – Can we prevent arthritis?; H Gollwitzer on: Capsular instability and reconstruction; U Stockle on: Posttraumatic instability of the hip joint– analysis and treatment strategies; myself on: Instability and early arthritis of the dysplastic young Hip: technical challenges of the THA; A Hartmann on: Impingement after THA – diagnostic algorithm; L Zagra on: Reasons and diagnostic for instability after hip replacement; and JA Epinette on: Can dual mobility cups in primary THA in young patients solve instabilities? (See photo above left.)

On a sad note, I would like to express my commiserations to the orthopaedic community on the passing of Prof Rothman. I was honoured to personally know this important figure in hip surgery, whom I met when participating in the Rothman Ranawat Travelling Fellowship 2014, a prestigious fellowship organised by the The Hip Society USA. He was a greatly admired physician and I was lucky enough to have interesting discussions with him and to consider him a mentor. Our International Member, Javad Parvizi, will write an obituary in our newsletter next month.

We wish a very warm welcome to our new Full Members: from France, Dr Brax, Dr De Ladoucette, Dr De Polignac and Dr Magendie; from Germany, Prof Bitsch and Prof Kendoff; from Italy: Dr Buratti; from The Netherlands: Dr Verdegaal; from Russia: Dr Korytkin and Dr Shubnyakov; from Switzerland: Dr Bastian. Young Members are: Dr Crnogaca from Croatia, Dr Moazenjamshidi from Iran and Dr Rabello from Brazil. International members we warmly welcome are: Dr Assi from Lebanon, Prof Kosashvili from Israel and Dr Oe from Japan. Please scroll down to see photos of some of these new faces to join EHS.

Below is a small introduction from our new Nat Rep for Slovakia, Assoc Prof Steno, as well as a report fro our Past President, Wim Schreurs, on the congress he attended in our guest nation, Argentina.

Finally, I look forward to seeing colleagues at SOFCOT in Paris in a fortnight, where I will speak on: “From the operating room to Virtual Reality and back through advanced medical applications”. Following that, I look forward to welcoming many members to the EHS-supported MAST 5 Course in Arthroplasty Surgery (7-9th December 2018 in Thessaloniki, Hellas), officially listed on EFORT’s EOTEP platform. This intense event covers all current hip (and knee) arthroplasty concepts and debates, enhanced by a full day of hands on practical sessions focusing on Revision Arthroplasty and related Technology – plus Virtual Reality Training opportunities.

Best wishes,

EHS Secretary General, Professor Eleftherios Tsiridis

Report on A.CA.RO Meeting in Argentina

ACARO logoThe European Hip Society was very honoured to have the A.CA.RO as the guest society on our 13th European Hip Society meeting in The Hague. Many colleagues from Argentina were present in The Hague which, we really appreciated. On behalf of the European Hip Society, I was invited to contribute to the 24th International congress of A.CA.RO in Mar del Plato, a city on the seaside one hour’s flight from Buenos Aires (3-5 October 2018).

Personally, I was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the congress organization, starting on the day of arrival and extending even after leaving the city for the home travel. The congress was very well organized by Professor Silberman and his team. A.CA.RO decided some years ago to fill the largest part of their annual international meeting with foreign speakers, who will give then all multiple contributions. This seems to be very successful as the meeting was well attended with over 550 delegates. This year there were five international guest speakers, Dr Aaron Rosenberg, Dr Todd Sekundiak, Dr Neil Sheth, Dr Edwin Su and myself. Even the fact that Dr Rosenberg had to cancel his contributions due to a medical problem did not affect the program – his colleagues from USA took over many of his presentations. There was simultaneous translation from Spanish to English of very high quality, which proved to be essential for all the very lively discussions at this meeting.

I was impressed by the quality of the orthopaedic care, in a country that is very extensive with some provinces as big as France. As EHS, we hope to continue very tight connections with the A.CA.RO.

Wim Schreurs

EHS Past President 2018-2020

Boris Steno Nat Rep for SlovakiaAssoc Prof Boris Steno, Slovakia

EHS Nat Rep for Slovakia, 2018-22

Dear EHS members,

My name is Boris Šteňo and I am an Associate Professor working at Comenius University Medical Faculty in Bratislava.  Since 2005 I was consultant in chief of Orthopaedic Department of II. University Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery.

Since 2017 I am head of II. University Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery University Hospital Bratislava. I am in charge for student education, patient treatment and research at the department.

I am an orthopaedic and trauma surgeon. Since 25 years the scope of my work is mainly hip endoprosthetics, complex primary cases and revision hip arthroplasty surgery. The patients with this diagnosis are concentrated in our department from all over the country. Hemophiliac arthropathy is next domain of my interest. The patients with hemophilia and bleeding disorders are treated exclusivley in our department, which is part of National Hemophilia Center. In this field I train Slovak and international fellows and residents.

I am a member of the board of Slovak Orthopaedic and Trauma Society, national delegate to European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

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