Wim SchreursLetter from the President, Prof Wim Schreurs

Dear Members,

As with every two years in the EHS, we have Movers and Shakers to announce following our recent General Assembly. I am extremely honoured to introduce myself for the first time as your new EHS President 2016-2018. We have already started work on our next Congress in The Hague in 2018 (20-22nd September) and welcome any suggestions and comments you may have. I wish a warm welcome to Jean-Alain Epinette, our new National Representative for France who was voted EHS President Elect at the GA and will hold the 2020 Congress in Lille, France.

A big congratulations to Past President Werner Siebert for organising our successful 12th Congress in Munich this month and thank you to the 955 delegates who attended this successful meeting. Of course Prof Siebert will still sit on the EHS ExCom for another two years as Past President. Prof Gösta Ullmark (who organised our Congress in Stockholm in 2014) continues in his role as the Chairman of the EHS Education Committee and is busy organising our Fellowships (see below), while Prof Luigi Zagra (who organised Milan Congress 2012) is our new Chairman of the EHS Science Committee.

Meanwhile, Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis was re-elected Secretary General of EHS for another four years, congratulations to him and our secretary Samantha Stokes.

Your EHS President, Wim Schreurs

Letter from the Secretary General, A Prof Eleftherios TsiridisTsiridis

Dear Members,

I am very pleased to address you all as EHS Secretary General once again as I serve another term. Thank you for your support.
First of all, congratulations to our Past President, Werner Siebert, for an excellent scientitic meeting in Munich. We welcome Wim Schreurs as President and look forward to working with him. Congratulations to Jean Alain Epinette, who is our new President Elect. You can see more about these surgeons (CVs and contact info) on our website page, Who We Are and can read in more detail about the 12th Congress here.
Congratulations also go to Luigi Zagra, our Past President from 2012 who is our new Chairman of the EHS Science Committee. We welcome Jose Cordero-Ampuero – an active member of the EHS EduCom – as new Nat Rep for Spain and thank him for his words below. He replaces the long serving Eduardo Garcia-Cimbrelo, (Past President 2008) who I would like to thank from all the ExCom for his dedication since the very early days of EHS. Also thanks to Jaques Tabutin, who retires as National Representative for France after very many years and is replaced by our new President Elect.
The EHS Booth in Munich was buzzing with visitors and Samantha is busy writing to all our many new applicants from countries all over the world. EHS is growing in front of our eyes and we offer a warm welcome already to Dr Jesus Moreta (Spain), Dr Nikolaos Stavropoulos (Hellas), Dr Thilo Florkemeier (Germany) and Prof Martin Thaler (Austria). Thank you to our International Member Suk Kyu Choo who gives us an update from Korea below.
Finally, our Travelling Fellowship 2017 deadline is in a few days, so please spread the word. The last chance for applications is this week. And please scroll down to see info on the upcoming Hip Joint Preservation Course in Bern in November.

EHS Secretary General, A Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis

The hip societies, and EHS, are nowadays in a historical crossroad. Most of us come from the arthroplasty world, undoubtedly the most successful orthopaedic operation. But, what are the limits of "hip"?



Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and Head of Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, University Hospital La Princesa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

The hip societies, and EHS, are nowadays at a historical crossroad. Most of us come from the arthroplasty world, undoubtedly the most successful orthopaedic operation. But, what are the limits of “hip”? Pediatric hip study is for pediatric orthopaedic surgeons and EPOS, or for us? No doubt if we have to treat a 1-year- old girl with a dislocated hip. But, who is to operate, or research, about a pelvic osteotomy when she is 20-years- old?

Hip fracture offers a more interesting debate: Trochanteric nails are for “fracture surgeons”…, or definitely we should teach our geriatric colleagues to insert them (it is very easy, our 1st year residents do)? But, if we have a very active 75-year-old patient, who implants the total hip, and more important, who follows and studies the medium and long-term outcome of these cases? Periprosthetic fractures? Vancouver B1 for fracture surgeons and AO to plate, while B2 for hip surgeons and EHS to exchange? Should we discuss about less-than-optimal results of “conservative surgery”?

All these topics are the immediate future, and the fields for action and debate in my new function as National Representative for Spain.

Thank you for your help.

Our members are highly academic and active all around the world, probably many of the EHS members had acquaintance of at least one or more KHS members



Inje University, lsan Paik Hospital, Goyang city, Korea


The Korean Hip Society is one of 16 affiliated academy of Korean Orthopedic Association. It was found in 1981 by 14 founding members. Today the president is Sang-Hong Lee, and is now a 500-members society and hosts its annual meeting in May with more than 100 academic presentations.

Since 1989, the quarterly “Journal of The Korean Hip Society” was published and in 2012 changed to an English written journal, the “Hip & Pelvis” which can be searched in pub med. Our members are highly academic and active all around the world, probably many of the EHS members had acquaintance of at least one or more KHS members.

I had a wonderful time in three previous EHS meetings and please welcome my Korean colleagues when they participate in the future meetings and also you are welcome to submit your works in Hip & Pelvis anytime. Thank you.

Hip joint preservation course

Bern, November 11-12, 2016

Hands-on training course for hip surgeons and trainees for hip surgery.

Four workshops including hip arthroscopy exercises, femoral osteotomies, cadaver sessions and surgical approaches.

Course language is German by renowned international faculty.

Please spread information to trainees and interested hip surgeons.

Course organized by the German Society for Hip Surgery (AE)

More information, click here