Full Members
Any person who fulfils the membership criteria and who has been elected in accordance with Rule 4d hereof or any person who in the judgement of the Executive Committee merits admission as a Member; Full MembAny person who fulfils the membership criteria and who has been elected in accordance with Rule 4d hereof or any person who in the judgement of the Executive Committee merits admission as a Member; Full Members shall pay an annual subscription fee. They shall have full voting rights at the General Assembly and shall receive a free subscription to the Society’s print journal.ers shall pay an annual subscription fee. They shall have full voting rights at the General Assembly and shall receive a free subscription to the Society’s print journal.
International Members
Any person coming from outside Europe who fulfils all other membership criteria and who has been elected in accordance with Rule 4d hereof, or any person who in the judgement of the Executive Committee merits admission as a Member; Associate Members shall pay an annual subscription fee. They shall receive a free subscription of the Society’s print journal, but they shall have no voting rights.