Prof Carsten Perka, Germany

Prof Carsten Perka has been Medical Director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery at the Charité in Berlin since 2015. His clinical focus has been on hip and knee arthroplasty for almost two decades. He has been associated with the German Association for Endoprosthetics (AE) for many years as a board member, secretary general and president. In addition to his intensive clinical work, Prof. Carsten Perka is also very active in the field of science. He is Scientific Director of the EPRD (German Arthroplasty Registry) and spokesman of the EPRD Executive Committee. He plays an active role in the Collaborative Research Center 1444, is treasurer of the internationally renowned International Hip Society and chaired the steering committee of AO RECON since 3 years. As a board member of the Bone Joint Journal, he is actively involved in the development and content of one of the most internationally relevant journals in the field of orthopaedics. He is the author of more than 550 Medline-listed publications.