George A. Macheras MD, PhD.

  1. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Head of Orthopaedic Department “KAT” General Hospital of Athens, Greece.
  2. Director of the Medical Services “KAT” General Hospital of Athens, Greece.
  3. Past President of the Hellenic Orthopaedic Association.
  4. Member at Large of EFORT Executive Committee
  5. Member of the Educational Committee of EFORT.
  6. Leader of the governing body of the EFORT annual congress scientific committee.
  7. Professor of post graduated training medical scheme at the University of Piraeus.
  8. National representative of European Hip Society.
  9. Past President of European Hip Society.
  10. Section Editor of European Orthopaedic and Traumatology Journal.
  11. Member of the Editorial board of the Hellenic Orthopaedic Association Journal.
  12. Member of the Editorial board of the European Orthopaedic and Traumatology Journal (EOTR).
  13. Member of the Specialty Society Standing Scientific Committee of EFORT.
  14. Reviewer of the JBJS British.
  15. Reviewer CORR.
  16. Reviewer of the Hip International Journal.
  17. Reviewer of the European Journal of Orthopaedic and Traumatology.
  18. Reviewer of the Indian Journal of Orthopaedic and Traumatology.
  19. Member of Public affairs committee Liaison EFORT -European Community.
  20. Member of the EFORT Fellow ship committee.
  21. Member of the International Hip Society.
  22. Honorary member of the Bulgarian Orthopaedic Association.
  23. Honorary member of the Argentinian Orthopaedic Association.
  24. Coordinator for the scientific program of EFORT, section: Pelvis, Hip and Femur (2013-2018).
  25. Chairman of the EFORT FORA Committee.