Congratulations to our two winners!

Dr Ana Ferrao (Portugal) & Dr Juan Rodriguez Roiz (Spain).

The fellowship will take place 30th of September to 15th of October 2024 & our Fellows will visit: Dublin; Limerick; Galway & Cork. As usual, each of the Fellows will receive a fund of €3,000 to cover expenses.

The aim for the Fellows is to make contacts and receive comprehensive training in all aspects of hip surgery.

The candidates were selected by the EduCom and approved by the ExCom after careful scrutiny.

Missed this one?

Apply to our next opportunity, the EHS Travelling Fellowship 2025 to Spain HERE.

Deadline 30th September 2024.

As you know, our EHS Fellowships are an excellent and invaluable opportunity for young surgeons to meet and observe at close hand top experts in our field. Non EHS members are welcome to apply, so please tell the young doctors in your hospital who want to specialise in the hip joint.