Theofilos Karachalios, MD, DSc, Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Department, University of Thessalia, University General Hospital of Larissa, Larissa, Greece

Prof Karachalios was  born  in  Loutraki  Korinthias  in  1958, he qualified  from  the  Medical School  of  Athens University (1976-1982), specialised in Orthopaedics and completed  his  MD  thesis at the  Orthopaedic Department  of  Athens University (1984-1989). He further improved his clinical and research experience at Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol University, Bristol UK (1990-1992). From 1992 – 1998 he practiced Orthopaedic Surgery, as Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, at the KAT NHS Hospital in Athens.

In 1998 he was elected Assistant Professor, in 2005 Associate Professor and in 2011 Professor in Orthopaedics at the University of Thessaly. He practices adult hip and knee reconstructive surgery, sport injuries and late reconstruction of musculoskeletal injuries. His main research interest is hip disorders, fracture healing and  bone metabolism and diseases.

He has published 105 papers in international Journals of Index Medicus with a total impact  factor of 192.5 (91 of them are shown  in Pubmed). He has got 1200 citations with an h-index of 22. He has written  eleven chapters in books. His teaching experience includes 408 lectures in domestic (339) and international (89) meetings.

He is joint Editor in Chief of Hip International with Richard Baker.

He spends his free time running long distances and he is a keen master scuba diver.