Notice from the EHS ExCom to all members

Calling for candidates for the positions of EHS President (2025-27) and EHS Treasurer (2023-7).

According to our constitution, any EHS member can apply and successful candidates will be democratically voted in during the General Assembly at our 15th EHS Congress in Bern (12-13th October 2023).

Also according to our constitution, the current EHS Treasurer can be re-elected for another 4-year term.

To apply for either role, candidates are required to:-

  • be supported by their National Hip or Orthopaedic Society in writing
  • be supported by two EHS Full Members in writing
  • send their CV & hip publications
  • send a letter of intention, including their goals for EHS

Applications to EHS Secretary General, Assoc Prof Bondarenko:
Deadline for receiving candidates: 30th June 2023 

Secretary General Address

Dear EHS Members,

We wish a warm welcome to our new EHS members: Dr Büchler from Switzerland, Full Member; Mr Malik-Tabassum from UK, Young Member; Dr Yamamoto from Japan, International Member and Dr Giordmaina from Malta, moves up from Young (since 2018) to Full Member. I look forward to seeing you all at our 15th EHS Congress in Bern in October 2023. Much before that, please register now for our imminent event:-

Webinar # 3
11th April 2023 @ 19:30-20:30 CET
Primary Hips: Difficult Cases

  • Rihard Trebše: How to approach different difficult primary conditions with hip arthroplasty
  • Eleftherios Tsiridis: THA for severe hip dysplasia: surgical techniques
  • Stanislav Bondarenko: Reconstruction of acetabular defects at complex primary THA

Please tell all your colleagues. Plus, our free replays are available here through our website for anyone who missed # 1 and # 2 – let’s spread hip education around the world.

Upcoming meetings with relevant links on our EHS Hip Meetings Calendar are:-

  • Hip Symposium Bern (plus pre-course 19 April 2023) 20-22th April 2023, an EHS Organised meeting
  • 24th Annual EFORT Congress in Vienna, Austria 24-26th May 2023, where EHS is a Speciality Society
  • Dual Mobility International Conference in Rome 27th May 2023, with EHS Patronage
  • Practical Course Orthopedics in Toulouse, France, 8-10th June 2023, with EHS Patronage
  • 6th FORTE Summer School, Athens Greece, 24-28 July 2023, with EHS Patronage

Finally, please be reminded to pay your EHS annual membership dues for 2023 via our website. Contact our Membership Secretary, Samantha Stokes, for any queries. Thank you very much to everyone who has paid.

Assoc Prof Stanislav Bondarenko,
EHS Secretary General