Dear Members,
EHS ExCom is pleased to announce that so far our society has offered 5 Ukrainian colleagues a 3-month Emergency EHS Fellowship:-
- EHS Secretary General Ass Prof Stanislav Bondarenko was hosted by Prof Klaus-Peter Günther, Professor and Chairman at the University Centre of Orthopaedics, Traumatology & Plastic Surgery, in Dresden, Germany
- Dr Yuriy Prudnikov was hosted by Prof Jenaro Fernandez-Valencia, Head of the Hip Unit of Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Spain
- Dr Iryna Harbuzniak is being hosted by Prof Jung at the OCM Munich, Germany
- Dr Oleksii Tankut is being hosted by Prof Vojtech Havlas at Charles University, 2nd Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Motol in Prague, Czech Republic
- Dr Olga PIdgaiska is being hosted by Prof Dr Andrej Trampuz, Co-Head of the Septic Surgical Unit, Charité – Universitätsmediz in Berlin, Germany
Thank you very much to all involved.
Great to see you all in Lisbon at the EFORT Congress, where we ran our various committee meetings face to face, as well as welcomed many members to our booth. Thanks to all who visited. Our profession faces many changes and EFORT asks all our members to please complete their MDR survey by clicking HERE or by scrolling down to the QR code.
Plenty to read this summer, as our brief reports are out now from EFORT congress as well as two previous EHS-involved courses:-
- EFORT EHS Speciality Society
- BOTA (the Bulgarian Orthopaedic & Trauma Assoc) EHS Patronage
- Global Experts Hip Symposium at Cleveland Clinic London EHS Organised
Prof Plamen Kinov (EHS SciCom) who organised the BOTA event in Varna also took the time to feature in our Q&A series below. Meanwhile, we welcome a new member from Bulgaria: Dr Dencho Kavaldjiev (pictured here) and are happy to announce the resumption of the EHS Visiting Fellowship (postponed in 2020 due to the pandemic) for Dr Adrian Cassar-Gheiti and Dr Iker Uriarte, who will go to Portugal in October 2022. Thanks to Dr Dantas, Prof Rego, Dr Tinoco and Dr Melo for the excellent itinerary.
Wish everyone a good summertime.
Hip Case Q&A
In my department, primary hip replacement is the most common surgery. In the outpatient clinic – the most common case is a patient with knee pain, usually a young woman. We treat initial knee arthritis conservatively, results are usually good.
Most difficult cases to treat in my practice are infections. The most difficult and interesting case of this year was a young 24-year-old male with 27 previous hip surgeries for periprosthetic hip infection. After being for 3 years on different antibiotics we isolated multiresistant Providentia stuartii with no susceptibility to any of the available antibiotics in Bulgaria. With team approach and good collaboration, and with a special protocol consulted by the EHS member Dr Rihard Trebse from Valdotra, Slovenia, we were able to successfully solve the case with the antibiotics we have on disposal in Bulgaria.
I treat a lot of hip and knee revisions. The load of surgeries and their complexity increases through the years. Very often, almost every month I have a case that I say this is one of the most difficult cases I have ever done.
My mission is helping others, alleviating pain, restoring motion. Every case in my practice is deeply rewarding as the reason for being a physician is to help others. In every case, in every treatment, I celebrate healing with the patient.
Case with clinical evidence for infection and without isolated microorganism in an immunocompromised host. Those are the cases I could not promise successful treatment to the patient.
The article by Luigi Zagra et al: “Current concepts in hip–spine relationships: making them practical for total hip arthroplasty“ in EFORT Open Reviews (2021) 7, 59–69 is an important overview of the hip–spine relationship and its implications for patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty.
I would like to highly recommend the current international guidelines in THA VTE prophylaxis published a month ago in JBJS. I think this important development and will change our approach to VTE prophylaxis after orthopaedic surgery.
I am very fond of sports, do running, biking and mounting hiking. Enjoy very much life in the countryside and travel a lot.
The book I am currently reading is The Art of Strategy by Avinash K Dixit and Barry J Nalebuff – practical insights and reading enjoyment helping to see the world from different perspective.