2021 A.G.M.
General Assembly Meeting at EHS 14th Congress, Lille
Agenda Issue | Min | |
1 | Approval of the Agenda (ET) | 1 |
2 | Approval of Minutes of GA at EFORT in Lisbon 2019 (ET) | 2 |
3 | Report of the President (JAE)
5 |
4 | Report of the President Elect (KS)
5 |
5 | Report of the Treasurer (MT)
10 |
6 | Approval of Financial Reports (EHS Auditors: Bulent Atilla and Thomas Ilchmann)
5 |
7 | Report of the Secretary General (ET)
a. Easier Dues Payment: Cost to introduce credit card payment capability directly on the EHS website: €249 one-off fee, €15 per month (x12 = €180pa), plus €0.10 per transaction b. New Nat Reps for France: Prof Jean Marc Puch, & for Hungary: Dr Ákos Zahár c. Criteria for joining EHS: Sponsors to write a 150-word recommendation, saying why the applicant should become a member |
10 |
8 | Report of Chairman of the EduCom (GU) | 10 |
9 | Report of Chairman of the SciCom (LZ) | 10 |
10 | Election of Secretary General 2021-5
Show of hands to approve |
5 |
11 | Election of President 2023-5
10 |
12 | Miscellaneous | 2 |
1. Approval of the Agenda
Approved with a raise of hands.
2. Approval of Minutes of GA at EFORT in Lisbon 2019
Approved with a raise of hands.
3. Report of the President: 14th Congress 2021 (Lille, France)
JAE: I have no words left after talking all day! It has been a long way to come to Lille and finally at last we are here and my two keywords are: THANKS and TOGETHER. I enjoy so much to meet with you personally and I give my best wishes for the next congresses of the EHS. It is our community. Conviviality between us is so important and I wish the best to the next president, Prof Klaus Siebenrock. All the best for EHS and his future presidency.
4. EHS 15th Congress in Bern, Switzerland in 2023

KS: It is a big honour for me to be the President of EHS.
I have clearly in mind to hold up the goals of this society, especially hip surgery in Europe, and to make it even stronger and competitive internationally. My life and world for decades has been dedicated purely to the hip and it is a tradition in Bern that I took over from my big masters and teachers, who gave me their chairman position.
I encourage all the young surgeons to do research and carry on, and I would love to increase this society in strength and number, but also in quality, to get stronger and more visible in the world. I would also encourage our Nat Reps to go and open it up to the rest of your people.
I felt a little bit sorry for JAE to go through the heights and depths of Covid and we have all tried to support him as much as possible and we have reached a good goal. We had a few technical problems, but this is new and it’s the first time we do a hybrid, so a big round of applause to JAE. Applause.
Bern is already scheduled in 2023 and we hope Covid has gone by that time – we are not sure, but we are pretty optimistic. The meeting venue is close to the old city – you just cross the bridge. Perfect view. With 130k inhabitants, it is pretty small. We are also planning a hybrid and we would love to have people on site, as this is my first meeting abroad after 2 years and it is very good to meet people in person again. But we also have financial problems with travelling, as the industry doesn’t sponsor us much anymore, so a hybrid is good for residents or other people concerned about expenses. They can join on the internet.
Please spread the word and do advertisement for us. Bern is a very good, reachable place, in the middle of Europe although not a part of Europe. A wonderful place. I cannot guarantee nice weather, but if we have sun, it looks like this. [See pic above.]
5. Report of the Treasurer
Since EHS 13th Congress in The Hague 1.10.2018 €518,995 – 1.8.2021 €546,794
We are a non-profit organisation and we have no economic goals. It is very important to mention this.
My names and all the ExCom members are documented and the EHS Bank knows all our names. Every ExCom member can go and take care of the bank account if something happens to me. I took over from Prof Karachalios: thanks for your excellent work before, you did a great job and now I know what a big job this is.
Everything was transferred to me when I took over. The Greek account was transferred to Austria in two steps and is now closed. Since then we have one account in Austria and I report our finances to the ExCom regularly.
The membership fee was raised after approval of all members at our 2019 EFORT GA and Samantha’s salary was raised by 1.45% in Jan 2021 (€23.47 per month more) according to a general raise of Austrian public employees.
I introduced an EHS travel policy with a new travel expenses form and an obligatory meeting evaluation form. I encourage you to send all your original documents to get reimbursement, so keep all your receipts please and send to me or Samantha.
Since August, many of you wanted to vote, and of course only paid-up members are eligible, so we have a lot of fees paid and now our financial situation is even better.
Mainly generated from EHS 13th Congress in The Hague, the EFORT meeting and WAC, plus annual membership fees.
WS created €67k and The Hague city €20K. So thanks WS for his excellent not only scientific but financial success – don’t worry JAE, we know that was before Covid.
[See graph below.]
All expenses from 1.10.2018 – 1.8 2021 were €186,101. [See graph below.]
A detailed overview was sent to our two auditors, Bulent Atilla and Thomas Ilchmann, and our ExCom members including everything, all the receipts and bank statements in a chronological order, and these two members have recommended in written form an approval of the report.
Everything looks sound and Martin Thaler is released.
6. Approval of Financial Reports 2019-2021
EHS Auditors: Prof Atilla and Prof Ilchmann
Prof Atilla in writing [unable to attend in person]: “In my opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of European Hip Society, as at August 01, 2021 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the reported period ended in accordance with European accounting standards for non-profit organizations. Therefore, I suggest the members of the general assembly to approve the financial report presented by Martin Thaler.”
Prof Ilchmann in writing [present at GA]: “To my understanding all income and expenses are balanced and everything looks sound.”
Both EHS Auditors will continue in the role.
All approved. Hands are all raised.
7. Report of the Secretary General
This is my last day, having served EHS for 9 years, and I am very proud for this part of my life. I have served under very esteemed Presidents, Ullmark, Siebert, Schreurs and Epinette, and I’ve spent time with our new President, Prof Siebenrock. I am very grateful to our collaboration all these years. We have collectively done a lot of work.
Easier dues payment with credit card directly on the EHS website
ET: To accommodate members who prefer credit card payment, we want to introduce this directly on the website. Cost: €249 one-off fee, €15 per month (x12 = €180pa), plus €0.10 per transaction.
Approve cost with a show of hands: Majority approve.
New Nat Reps:
ET: A warm welcome to both Prof Jean Marc Puch for France and Dr Ákos Zahár for Hungary [see photos above].
EHS is prevailing despite Covid-19. [See graphic above.]
At 2019 EHS GA, we had 420 members, from 31 countries within Europe & 20 countries beyond.
Today we have 462 members, from 32 countries within Europe & 33 countries beyond.
Our international membership has really grown since it started. We are very proud to offer this connection to all our members.
New members since Lisbon EFORT 2019:-
Full Members
Dr Heinz Winkler |
Prof Fabio Catani |
Dr Georgios Chatziagorou |
Dr Claus Varnum |
Dr Ali Hussein Abdali |
Dr Nicholas A Beckmann
Dr Thierry Aucouturier |
North Macedonia
Dr Darko Talevski |
Dr Goksel Dikmen |
Dr Sufian S Ahmad |
The Netherlands
Prof Rob GHH Nelissen
Mr James Berstock |
Prof Dimitrios Koulalis |
Dr Acacio Ramos
Dr Taras Rogovyi |
Dr Nikolaos Davarinos |
Dr Mihail Lazar Mioc |
Young Members
France Dr Karim Ouattara |
Ireland Dr Adrian J Cassar-Gheiti |
The Netherlands Dr Jetse Jelsma |
Dr Pedro Miguel Reis Campos |
UK Dr Mark Anthony Roussot |
International Members
Australia Prof Riaz KhanAssistant Prof Daniel FickMr William BlakeneyDr Scott Andrew Brumby |
Canada Dr George GrammatopoulosProf James Nelson Powell |
Prof Chi Zhang |
Iraq Dr Layth Habbabah |
Lebanon Dr Rida Kassem |
Bahrain Dr Gianluca Cusma Guatteri |
Chile Prof Dante Parodi |
Korea Dr Yeonghun Kang |
Israel Dr Yadin David Levy |
USA Dr Edwin SuAssistant Prof Cody Wyles |
Congratulations on their retirement:-
Prof Werner Siebert, (EHS Past President) Germany
Prof Henrik Malchau, Sweden
Dr Roxo Neves, Portugal
Dr Anne Karin Alberty, Finland
Deceased: We remember Dr Larry Dorr, esteemed International EHS Member, we were all very sad at his loss and we will honour him at MAST 8 Course in December (co-organised by EHS and sponsored by EFORT) with a Larry Dorr Medal of €2k to the winner.
Membership Directory is on the EHS Website. You can search all our members by name and country.
EHS Facebook and LinkedIn are growing.
We published a Covid-19 Update in the EHS Newsletter throughout the pandemic with surveys, scientific publications and personal reports from our members in: 2020 June Italy / July Belgium / August USA / September Spain / October Australia / November Netherlands / December Germany 2021 January Denmark / February general / March Bulgaria / April Belgium / May Israel / June NZ / July Russia / August China / September Romania.
Upcoming meetings
15-16th October 2021
Kharkiv, Ukraine: 2nd International Conference “Advanced Treatment of Hip, Knee and Shoulder Pathology” [Hybrid Conference]
26th-29th October 2021 Berlin, Germany: DKOU
25-26 November 2021
Madrid, Spain: XXV International Course of Reconstructive Surgery of the Joint – Hip Surgery
17-19th December 2021
Thessaloniki, Greece: MAST 8: Advances in Arthroplasty [Digital meeting]
Co-organized with EHS
Adult Hip – Master Case Series & Techniques (Springer 2019)
A collective work where the majority of the EHS participated – a huge work of clinical studies and techniques and one of the best downloaded books, with 10k downloads in the first year.
Hip International
We are very supportive to our journal and the editorial board is working hard to increase the impact factor, which is 2.2 now. It is going to grow very fast after the next few years and we will help very much to evolve this. Prof Karachalios is the co-editor of Hip International with Mr James Berstock.
Thanks to all on our ExCom: Dr Epinette, Prof Siebenrock and Prof Schreurs.
Wim Schreurs is retiring from the ExCom happily!
Thanks to esteemed colleague Prof Martin Thaler and welcome to Prof Bondarenko, who will be approved shortly.
And of course SciCom Chairman Luigi Zagra and EduCom Chairman Prof Gosta Ullmark, who is unable to join us.
EHS Fellowships are on hold due to Covid-19 right now, but they will be resumed as soon as possible.
That was my last report as Secretary General.
Thank you very much for your attention.
8. Report of Chairman of the EduCom
GU unable to attend
9. Report of Chairman of the SciCom
LZ: Thanks to everyone for being the Chairman for the last 3 years of the SciCom. We had our periodical meetings based on cyber meetings of course and most discussion was on 3 topics: the Congress, the EHS sessions at EFORT / DKOU and our Surveys – thanks to MT for those, and thanks to all our members taking part in the EHS surveys, including Periprosthetic Fractures, published in Hip International, and Return to Sports After Total Hip Arthroplasty, also a series of Covid-19 related surveys.
Both the EHS session at EFORT and full day (half day hip / half day knee) were a success.
The SciCom’s major activity was to arrange the scientific programme for this congress and thanks to all, but especially JAE who did all the heavy work these three years, organising everything and postponing one year and not being sure who would come or not. We all supported him, but it was mainly his work.
Round of applause.
JAE: Thanks, you are a friend and a partner and were so precious for organising this congress. I remember the first time we arranged this congress on your dining table, and without you this would be very difficult. Thanks also to Samantha for her precious help at all times. Thanks to all the SciCom, we have been working together all the time.
10. Approval of Secretary General 2021-5
Welcome to Stanislav Bondarenko as the Secretary General of EHS.
If you agree, raise your arm!
All raise.
Welcome on board and we are sure for a very nice cooperation and thank you for accepting such a huge position!
Time and energy demanding, so we wish the best for you. Bravo!
11. Election of President 2023-5
Now is my pleasure to leave a great suspense, like the bafta awards. I am happy to announce the new president is: Eleftherios Tsiridis.
My personal and friendly agreement and hope the best for you! You will continue on after KS.
ET: I would like to thank you all for this wonderful moment. I said previously it was my last time addressing the society, but now is a new beginning. I have worked very hard for the last 9 years for the wellbeing of EHS and it is my distinct honour that you have elected me President.
Thanks for all who have conveyed your support to me through emails and personal communications, and I promise I will deliver my duties with honour and with faith towards the society.
At this moment I would like to thank my friend and colleague Fares Haddad. I wish him luck for future candidacy.
All applaud.
I really look forward to working with KS to organise a wonderful meeting in Bern and thereafter he will help me a lot to organise in Thessaloniki, where we look forward to your participation in the 16th EHS Congress 2025. I promise the 10 following things as from today to deliver within our society:-
- Promote Technological Innovation including software and robotics into surgery
- Enhance the EduCom by industry and privately-funded fellowships and CME
- Facilitate the SciCom in editing guidelines, surveys, hip updates and RCTs internationally
- Actively support Hip International, with publication traction and impact factor increase
- Honour our Past Presidents by introducing the Presidential Senate to advise the ExCom
- Continuously support EFORT in registries, legislation and yearly congresses
- Introduce a Dynamic Philanthropic Initiative for the poor and sick within Europe and beyond
- Introduce the EHS Accreditation System to expand the international recognition of EHS
- Strongly promote Excellence, Scientific Meritocracy and Professional Ethos
- Bring the 16th EHS Congress 2025 to Thessaloniki, an ancient city of 1.5m people, 4 universities and one of the biggest educational and technological hubs of South Eastern Europe, with the support of the Mayor and the Governor of the city
12. Miscellaneous
WS: Thanks to all. LZ asked me in 2021 to become president, I was appointed at GU’s congress in Stockholm. Thanks for the trust and honour to serve for the next 6 years. And I learnt a lot with Werner Siebert and The Hague was really straightforward and to be honest. I thought this would never be a hybrid meeting but it was and JAE made the right decision for that and it was very nice.
Regards the EHS money, I realised that if I go to Austria on Monday, I can take it all out!
Haha, all laugh.
We should think how to spend it. Personally I think given the situation and the weakness of other societies, we should have an EHS congress every year and I know not many other ExCom members agree, but perhaps this should be considered and is realistic, as once every two years is not very much and we have a very attractive community for the industry.
EFORT is just young surgeons who make no decisions at the hospitals, but at EHS the delegates have power in the hospitals, so we do attract industry.
All the best for the future of EHS and to the ExCom.
JAE: Maybe we can have some webinars, as it is not too difficult to organise and it allows EHS to be more active throughout the year. We can try together to hold a virtual addition to our hybrid congress each time.
Thank you very much.