2018 A.G.M.

General Assembly Meeting at EHS 13th Congress, The Hague




Date: Friday 21st September 2018  Time:  17.45-19.15   Location: Amazon Room, World Forum Congress Centre


Agenda Issue Min
1 Approval of the Agenda (Tsiridis) 1
2 Approval of Minutes of GA in Vienna 2017 (Tsiridis) 2
3 Presentation of the candidate for the position of Treasurer 2018 – 2022 (Schreurs/Tsiridis)

Short introduction by candidate


4 Election of President 2022-2024 (Schreurs/Tsiridis)

Declaration of intent by two candidates: Prof Siebenrock (Switzerland) and Mr Smith (UK)

Full members invited to cast vote in secret ballot

5 Report of the President (Schreurs) 5
6 Report of the President Elect (Epinette)

14th Congress 2020 (Lille) “MCI” Congress Organiser

7 Report of the Past President (Siebert) 2
8 Report of the Treasurer (Karachalios) 5
9 Approval of Financial Reports (Siebert, Pipino)


10 Report of the Secretary General (Tsiridis) 10
11 Report of Chairman of the EduCom (Ullmark) 5
12 Report of Chairman of the SciCom (Zagra) 5
13 Approval of Constitution changes (Schreurs/Tsiridis)

(Show of hands)

14 Results of Presidential Election announced 5
15 Miscellaneous 6




1 Approval of Agenda

Agenda approved.


2 Approval of Minutes

Minutes approved.


3 Presentation of candidate for Treasurer 2018 – 2022

Prof Karachalios leaves EHS after two terms of 4 years. He is now the Treasurer of EFORT.


Prof Martin Thaler (left) introduces himself: Associate Professor at the Medical University of Innsbruck, he is an orthopaedic and trauma surgeon with a Master’s in managing and is currently doing a Master’s in business administration!

Prof Thaler has done background work for EHS already with the update of the constitution and communication with the bank. EHS and Innsbruck have a long tradition and a good relationship – Prof Martin Krismer was EHS President and Secretary General of EHS and Prof Bauer was a founding member.

Prof Thaler will be honoured to have the pleasure of being the EHS Treasurer.

Please approve. Unanimous show of hands.




4 Election of President 2022-2024

Prof Schreurs introduces the two candidates: Prof Klaus Siebenrock (EHS Nat Rep for Switzerland) and Mr Evert Smith (EHS Nat Rep for UK).

It’s a six year role – two years serving as President Elect, two years as President and two years as Past President – so we are very grateful and these two strong candidates show that EHS is evolving and strong.

Democratic vote explained: Only Full Members will vote. They will sign in, mark their vote on a ballot paper behind a screen, then post the vote in the ballot box. (Voting instructions clearly shown on screen.)

Two EHS members are appointed to oversee the voting and guarantee the objectivity and quality of the process: Prof Stanislav Bondarenko, Nat Rep for Ukraine and Dr Eduardo Garcia-Rey, Member of the EduCom. Please approve. Unanimous show of hands.

Prof Siebenrock presents*. Prof Smith presents*.


5 Report of the President

Wim SchreursProf Schreurs: We were a little bit afraid about this meeting, but we had 750 delegates without industry, so 900 in total. I am very grateful that so many people came so many miles. We had great speakers and great presentations, thank you all for your involvement. Thanks to Dennis Janssen who helped a lot with the scientific organisation, and also thanks my department.







6 Report of the President Elect

Jean-Alain EpinetteDr Epinette: Introduces himself as a surgeon from north of France. He has been an EHS member from the beginning, joining in 1993. He is very pleased to have been elected by our members as the next president and is delighted to serve the society according to the rules of the new constitution.

“Bringing orthopaedic hip surgeons together…” = a very important motto. EHS is a very active and enthusiastic society and will expand hip knowledge all around the world.

He will be very close to our Nat Reps = a very important link for organising the congress and the fellowships. He thanks all EHS Nat Reps in advance for the excellent work they can do for EHS.

Thanks also to Prof Zagra as SciCom Chairman and Prof Ullmark as EduCom Chairman.

These committees are the spine of our society. Thank you for the excellent collaboration in advance.

Thank you to everybody who helped create such a nice congress!

Now: 14th EHS Congress in Lille, France, 1st-2nd October 2020

Very nice location in the centre of Europe. Very easy to reach by train/air/car, close to many cities. TGV from Paris airport to Lille takes 55 mins. 1.50mins from London. Airport/trains from Belgium & Brussels.

The Grand Palais venue is booked – a nice big place, close to downtown Lille.

The congress will be just two days, Thursday and Friday, because Saturday morning attracts few people, so we prefer to concentrate. The city will support our congress – it wants an international event.

Lille was chosen because, although was born in Avignon, Dr Epinette’s medical studies were in Lille – it’s a university city. Paris is too expensive, Lyon is expensive and difficult to get to, Toulouse and Marseille are in the south, so Lille is ideal.

The congress organizer will be MCI and Dr Epinette is pleased to work with this team. He finishes: “We need you and we want to see each of you and all of us at Lille 2020. Thank you very much!”

7 Report of the Past President

Werner SiebertProf Siebert: We have a lot more members today and a lot more paying members. Every year we have a lot more money in the purse of the European Hip Society. With more members, we are not relying on the industry.

Prof Schreurs: Yes we have more members, more power and can attract more people to our meetings.






8 Report of the Treasurer

Theofilos KarachaliosProf Karachalios: €554,000 in our bank account.

2017-18 our expenses went up because we invested in education, lectures, travelling and fellowships. (€30,000 on fellowships.) Yet during the last two years, we have much more net income.

EHS used to be a closed club. Prof Karachalios thought it wasn’t good to open up with many more new members. But now we have become independent of the congress, so it was good.

In 2013 EHS felt it had to conserve money to improve its bank account. Then since 2017, it felt safe enough to invest in education, as is the duty of EHS.

PowerPoint* is shown.

Congress income: Milan 2012 €104,000 / Stockholm 2014 €102,000 / Munich 2016 €49,800 / The Hague ??

The environment has changed due to “MedTech” and all the sponsoring has been reduced, so that’s why Munich was a lower income.


9 Approval of Financial Reports 2016-18

EHS auditors, Profs Siebert and Pippino, approve the financial reports.

Prof Siebert: A huge amount of data was sent to us and Prof Karachalios’ work is very good. He is now Treasurer of EFORT, a big society. He has done an excellent job, thank you very, very much. Good luck to Prof Thaler in the post.

Please approve: All approve the financial reports and the Treasurer is cleared.


10 Report of the Secretary General

Eleftherios TsiridisProf Tsiridis: My privilege to present to you our summary of the last 2 years.* A special mention of the booklet you all received in the entrance package at this congress (pictured right). Thanks to Dr Eduardo Garcia-Cimbrelo, Chairman of our History Committee, Samantha Stokes, our Membership Secretary, and Prof Wim Schreurs.

Commemorative booklet

EHS is registered in Austria, our finances are half a million. We have expanded to over 50 countries, 32 are European and the rest beyond. We are very proud of this. Our Nat Reps need to ensure their nations are very active within our society.

The EHS Newsletters go out every month, with a brief letter from the EHS President and myself. They are an opportunity for all of you, especially Nat Reps, to write news of your national hip communities – a tool for you to promote your congresses and update us on developments.

-> Please email your courses to Samantha (samstokesehs@gmail.com) for our website list of Hip Meetings.

We are starting a new cycle of letters from Nat Reps in our Newsletter, as all have now contributed once. Thanks to each and every Nat Rep. Welcome to two new Nat Reps (below).

Stig Jakobsen
Stig Jakobsen for Denmark
Boris Steno
Boris Steno for Slovakia










We run two EHS fellowships every year for four upcoming surgeons: Travelling Fellowship in Spring and Visiting Fellowship in Autumn – we are strong and support them well.

EHS FellowsThis year we sent Dr Grammatopoulos of UK and Dr Merle of Germany to Turkey for the Travelling Fellowship 2018 – an invaluable two weeks in OR observing the experts and attending scientific courses and lectures. Also Visiting Fellows 2017 Dr Moreta of Spain and Dr Koutalos of Greece visited Germany in Spring and had an excellent time. They presented their experience at this congress. See all the reports on our website. [Photo L-R: Prof Schreurs, Prof Ullmark, Dr Koutalos, Dr Moreta, Dr Merle, Dr Grammatopoulos.]

Next we will send Dr Loppini of Italy and Dr Santos Leite of Portugal on the Visiting Fellowship 2018 in The Netherlands. We look forward to their report and thanks to all our Dutch colleagues involved in organising this excellent Fellowship around Nijmegen, Delft, Breda and Maastricht. We are honoured that our Visiting Fellowship has the high recognition of being EFORT-approved.

NOW the Travelling Fellowship 2019 is announced!

-> Please encourage your young colleagues to apply.

-> We also support Hip Courses at Nat Soc meetings around Europe, so email Samantha Stokes with your local congresses and ask for EHS speakers to attend.

Per Kjaersgaard-AndersonEHS has a very strong relationship with EFORT. Thank you to Prof Per Kjaersgaard-Anderson (pictured left), our Key Note Lecturer, for being an active member of EHS. He is one of ours and we are very proud he is the President of EFORT, a leader in Europe.

E Our membership fee is very, very small! It is only €100, please pay it – much of our income comes from this money. Digital bank transfer (SEPA) or VISA/MasterCard credit cards can be used. PayPal has been removed from our website – apologies for any inconvenience caused by its automated messages.

-> Our Facebook and LinkeIn are active – please send posts to Samantha.

We welcome our new President Jean-Alain Epinette to our society.

We also welcome Wim Schreurs to Past President status and he will serve very well, as he did all these years. He was also an excellent President Elect; we enjoyed a very smooth four years with him and we look forward to the next two years.

We thank Werner Siebert, our Past President, for his wonderful congress in Munich. We are grateful for his seniority – he has introduced us to many activities in Europe and beyond, namely in South America.

Alister Hart Garcia-ReyProf Zagra does a great job as Chairman of SciCom, and Prof Ullmark of Educom – he worked very hard to organise our fellowships. Also, welcome to Alister Hart (pictured far left) and Eduardo Garcia Rey (pictured left) as new committee members.







Welcome to all new members and we honour our Emeritus members:-





Dr Stig Jakobsen



Dr Chahine Assi

Dr Cecile Bataille

Dr Michel Brax

Prof Philippe Chiron

Dr Aymard De Ladoucette

Dr Thierry De Polignac

Prof Jean-Yves Jenny

Dr Jérôme Magendie

Prof Didier Mainard

Mr Maurice Malissard

Dr Jean Marc Puch



Dr Andreas Berger

Prof Rudi Bitsch

Prof Daniel Kendoff

Dr Christian Merle



Dr Giorgios Drosos

Dr Lazaros Oikonomides



Mr Nico Bennink

Dr Wout Rosenberg

Dr Marijn Rutgers

Dr Matthijs Somford

Dr Wierd Zijlstra



Prof Didier Hannouche



Prof Andrii Babko

Dr Alok Bansal

Dr Vasyl Makarov



Prof Justin Cobb

Dr George Grammatopoulos

Mr Nikhil Shah

Prof John Skinner

Mr Ronan Treacy

Mr Anthony Ward





Prof Ayman Ebied



Prof Michael Drexler

Prof Yona Kosashvili



Dr Masaki Mizushima

Dr Kenichi Oe



Dr Ian Clarke

Dr Jonathan Vigdorchik





Dr Kresimir Crnogaca



Mr Christos Milaras



Dr Asif Hussain



Dr Keshavarz Amirhossein



Dr Ryan Giordmaina



Mr Arjan de Beus

Dr Stijn Bolink

Dr Bas van Ooij



Dr Joāo Esteves



Dr Pia Zurmühle



Mr Syed Ahmed



Dr Ahmed Amine Bodnaoui

Dr Oleg Ovchynnikov


Prize PrizesThanks to the editors of our journal, Hip International. Lots of submission, the quality has risen significantly. The Impact factor is 1.26. Welcome to two new section editors for trauma: Prof Minos Tyllianakis (University of Patras, Greece) and Dr Christos Garvanos (Evangelismos General Hospital of Athens, Greece). Our new publishers, SAGE, are more active. We hope to get advertising revenue and have a dedicated staff for this. SAGE sponsored our prizes at this congress and awarded 1st Prize of €1,500 to Marieke F van Wier from The Netherlands for “Bad press equals bad PROMs?” and 2nd Prize of €1,000 to Mattia Loppini from Italy for “PTX3 as a new biomarker for the diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection: a single-center pilot study”. They were presented by Prof Zagra, Chairman of SciCom, and Mr Baker,
Co-Chief Editor of Hip International.

Presidency 2018-2020 hand over, from Dr Schreurs to Dr EpinetteProf Schreurs (left) hands over EHS Presidential necklace to Dr Epinette.








11 Report of Chairman of the EduCom


Prof Ullmark (pictured above): “I am the one who spends the money!”

The members are:-

  • Chairman: Gosta Ullmark
  • Vice Chairman: Bulent Atilla
  • Ex-Officio Members 2016-2018
    • President: B Willem Schreurs
    • President Elect: Jean-Alain Epinette
    • Past President: Werner Siebert
  • Roberto Binazzi
  • Rui Cabral
  • Eduardo Garcia-Rey
  • Hans Gollwitzer
  • Klaus-Peter Gunther
  • Alister Hart
  • Michael Nogler
  • Soren Overgaard

We have increased activity very much and we need to continue that way. With the EHS President and Samantha Stokes we sent out a letter to all National Societies in 2017, asking if organisers want EHS speakers to boost their faculty and improve their scientific hip content. It is working out very well. We send speakers to national orthopaedic societies in Russia, Ireland, Estonia Spain, Greece, Germany, The Netheralnds… The EHS speakers also encourage new membership and promote our congress while they are there. WAC in Rome was a particular success in April 2018.

The EHS Fellowships are very successful. The basic criteria is:-

  • Under 45 years of age
  • EHS member country
  • Dedicated to the hip

The EduCom then makes a selection based on the most scientific merits. The host country it chosen after the winners are announced, to ensure we do not send someone to their own country.

EHS Courses: we are adapting high quality hip courses to become EHS-organised courses.

Like 5th Masterclass in Arthroplasty Surgery in Thessaloniki, Bristol Hip Arthroplasty Course: Total Hip Arthroplasty and Hip Surgery, Bernese Hip Symposium, Ukraine.

Idea for future courses: Hip fracture and hip prosthesis are the two main major orthopaedic issues. Maybe EHS can start an EFORT pre-course, bringing these two together: a new one-day EHS course in cooperation with the trauma society and EFORT.


12 Report of Chairman of the SciCom


Prof Zagra (pictured above): “My term is four years. This is my first report.”

The members are:-

  • Luigi Zagra: Chairman
  • Theofilos Karachalios: Vice Chairman
  • Ex-Officio Members 2016-2018
    • President: B Willem Schreurs
    • President Elect: Jean-Alain Epinette
    • Past President: Werner Siebert
  • Klaus-Peter Gunther
  • Thomas Ilchmann
  • Johan Karrholm
  • Manuel Ribas Fernandez
  • Evert Smith
  • A Mazhar Tokgozoglu

Some members have been re-elected. Thank you for all the support. Each of these members is very active in the new established SciCom that started two years ago.

-> We have four slots in our committee according to our new constitution, so if you know anyone, please email Samantha or direct it to me.

Our first job is to support the President for his congress and help him get good topics and find good speakers. We have our first congress meeting at my house in Milan to identify the topics. We are also planning a monthly telecom meeting.

-> We are open to proposals for scientific activity for our congress and journals. Please email Samantha.

SciCom also organises EHS’s collaboration with other courses. Those combined with EFORT were among the most well-attended and successful sessions in the EFORT meeting (Vienna (2017) and Barcelona (2018)). For WAC 2018 we were part of the scientific programme. You saw the EHS logo on the front of the WAC programme for the first time.

It is also part of our job to support our journal, Hip International, which is increasing in impact factor and is recognised around the world for its scientific level. High quality reviews.

-> If you are interested, please help us, it is not closed to us to be a reviewer.

The SciCom selects the Hip International (SAGE) award winners at our congress. (See above.)

Prof Overgaard asks: There was a free session paper from a company today. What is the policy?

Prof Shcreurs: No-one recognised this. There should be no company presenting, and I hope it is only once.

Prof Zagra: We need to discuss this, it is a very important point. Thank you.


13 Approval of Constitution Updates

Prof Schreurs explains how all members were emailed the updates

Thanks to Profs Krismer, Thaler and Tsiridis and Zagra who helped with all the work.

Any remarks? None.

Who abstains to accept. No-one.

Who is against? No-one.

Who will accept? Unanimous show of hands.


14 Results of Presidential Election announced

Siebenrock Wins

Prof Schreurs announces: the candidate that will be President of EHS 2020-22 is Prof Klaus Siebenrock (photographed above). Congratulations.
Thanks to Mr Evert Smith.


15 Miscellaneous

-> Members’ contribution to Hip International is limited. Please, support the journal! We need reviewers!


THE END                                                                                                       *PowerPoints are available upon request

Most photos © Intercongress GmbH / Tobias Tanzyna