Letter from the President, Dr B Willem Schreurs
Dear All,
This period is the ultimate holiday season, and many hip surgeons and researchers will be enjoying their well-earned holidays. The number of congresses organised is very low in August. It is time to relax, and enjoy time with your family and friends. However, there maybe also some time for reflection.
Although we certainly still have some way to go before we can solve all hip problems, we should also realize how successful hip surgery can be. Every July in my hometown of Nijmegen there is a very big walking meeting, the International Four Days Marches, with participants from all over the world. The walking distance is between 30 and 50 kilometers daily, depending on age and sex. The number of participants is over 40,000, and it is one of the biggest walking events in the world. Some of the participants have a status after a Total Hip and are, despite this medical problem, able to perform this Four Days event. They walk not only 30, but some even walk the 4 times 49 kilometers challenge.
The ability that patients, who were very limited before their hip surgery due to hip arthrosis, can participate in this activity is proof of the very high level of care we deliver as orthopedic surgeons. Indeed, we have a fantastic job.
Have a nice summer period.
Best wishes,
Your EHS President, B Willem Schreurs
Letter from the Secretary General, Associate Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis
Dear Members,
Welcome to two new Young Members, Mr Kenneth Linton from The Irish Republic and Mr Syed Ahmen from UK. Also, we welcome a new Full Member from The Netherlands, Dr Marijn Rutgers.
This month we publish on our website the report from the EHS Travelling Fellows on their time in France and the valuable hip experience they gained.
We have added more European courses to our Scientific Meetings, and the list now includes:-
- SEPT: HIPToulouse France 21-23 September 2017
- OCT: Scientific-practical conference by UAOT Ukraine 5.10.17
- OCT: ICJR Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress, New York, USA 12-15.10.2017
- NOV: Hip Symposium – 3rd Lisbon International Edition Portugal 16–17.11.2017
- DEC: 4th Masterclass in Arthroplasty Surgery, Thessaloniki, Hellas 1-3.12.17
- DEC: Young Adult Hip Preservation Cadaver Course, Sheffield, UK 9-11.12.17
- FEB: Bernese Hip Symposium 1-3.2.2018 Switzerland
- APRIL: Annual Revision THA Course 4-6.4.18 Stockholm, Sweden
We have uploaded the Minutes of the EHS General Assembly 2017 which took place in Vienna in June. And finally, we have a contribution from a married couple of hip surgeons amongst our members, see below. So, plenty to look at on the website while you relax and enjoy your summertime.
EHS Secretary General, Associate Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis
With Prof Gaucher, we had a chance to see direct lateral trans-trochanteric chevron osteotomy for acetabuler reconstruction with femoral head autograft and cemented femoral stem application in dysplasia sequel; it was a very nice experience to see such a difficult case for reconstruction
EHS Travelling Fellow 2017, Goksel Dikmen
EHS Travelling Fellows Report
First of all, I would like to state my deep gratitude to the ExCom of EHS, and the Chairman of the EHS EduCom, Prof Ullmark for selecting me and giving me the opportunity to be a part of highly valuable clinical fellowship. Also, I would like to thank my chief Prof Remzi Tözün & National Representative of our country Prof Mazhar Tokgözoĝlu for their great care and support. In addition, I’d like to thank the European Hip Society for funding this Fellowship and last but not least, I’d like to thanks Mrs Samantha Stokes for her great help.
Planning started immediately after receiving the good news that I had been selected to participate in this great fellowship. We made some arrangement for work and travel to France; before the travelling, host clinics made some recommendations for local stay and travel within France between centers. The fellowship was shared by the three centers depending on the availability. We started the fellowship in Marseille, then passed to St Étienne in the second week and we finished the fellowship in Quimper (Brittany) at the North Pole of France…
We went to Liberia to work in the hospital of an iron ore mine until the war, which started 1989. We were the last Europeans to leave the country 1990
EHS Member,Dr Sabine Mai, Germany
Husband and Wife Hip Surgeons
EHS Member from Germany, Dr Sabine Mai writes…
My husband Dr Burkhard Mai, and I, were both general surgeons and met in Konstanz working in the department of trauma surgery. Then we went to Liberia to work in the hospital of an iron ore mine until the war, which started 1989. We were the last Europeans to leave the country 1990.
In Hannover my husband specialized in orthopaedics, while I took care of the children and worked as a general practitioner, as a surgeon and in orthopaedics. We moved to Kassel, where I also specialized in orthopaedics.
Now we both work in the Vitos Orthopädische Klinik Kassel as senior consulting orthopaedic surgeons together with the Past President of EHS, Prof Siebert. The main area of my husband is arthroplasty and orthopedic rheumatology, which he also teaches. I built up a register of all implanted artificial joints since 1998 with nearly 18,000 patients by now, take care of the quality management of the hospital, and work in the outpatients clinic. We take part in several studies, give presentations an write papers.