2017 A.G.M.
General Assembly Meeting at EFORT Congress, Vienna
Date: Wednesday 31st May 2017 Time: 18.45-19.45 Location: Marriot Courtyard Hotel, Vienna |
Agenda Issue | Min | |
1 | Approval of the Agenda (Tsiridis) | 1 |
2 | Approval of Minutes of GA Munich 2016 (Tsiridis) | 1 |
3 | Report of the President (Schreurs)
13th Congress 2018 (The Hague) |
5 |
4 | Report of the President Elect (Epinette)
14th Congress 2020 (Lille) |
5 |
5 | Report of the Past President (Siebert) | 3 |
6 | Report of the Treasurer (Karachalios) | 10 |
7 | Approval of New Structure for SciCom and EduCom | 10 |
8 | Report of Chairman of the EduCom (Ullmark)
EHS Travelling Fellowship / EHS Visiting Fellowship |
5 |
9 | Report of Chairman of the SciCom (Zagra)
EHS contribution to the World Arthroplasty Congress 2018 Rome |
5 |
10 | Update of EHS Constitution (Schreurs/Baker) | 5 |
11 | Report of the Secretary General (Tsiridis)
Members, Report 1st EHS Visiting Fellowship in Greece, Report |
6 |
12 | New regulations for orthopaedics in Europe (Schreurs) | 3 |
13 | Miscellaneous | 1 |
1 Approval of the Agenda
Agenda approved.
2 Approval of Minutes of GA Munich 2016
Minutes approved.
3 Report of the President
The Hague Congress 20-22 September 2018
Our contract with Intercongress (the PCO) for The Hague Congress has been renegotiated.
We now have better financial conditions, based on achieving 600 delegates with a strict limitation on VIP (free) tickets. Also, we have committed to advertise ourselves more, to save money.
So please all add this banner to your email signature, with a link to the Congress website:
[Contact Samantha for a PNG file or any additional info on how you can help.]
Abstract submission: September 2017 to March 2018.
April 2018: registration starts.
30th June 2018: deadline for early registration.
Same format as Stockholm and Milan EHS Congresses: two days industry (Thurs & Fri) and one day without (Sat).
10 symposia
4 industry lunch symposia
Highlight Topics:-
- The young patient with a hip prosthesis
- State of the art of customized 3D hip prostheses in hip revisions
- Revision surgery in total hip arthroplasty
- Hip registries
We will have many orals and traditional posters.
The venue is BOOKED: the World Forum congress centre.
Maybe traditional beer and pretzel at the posters?
Congress Dinner at the Kurhaus Hotel on the seafront is booked, 4.5km from congress centre.
EHS Dutch Member Ass Prof Dennis Jansen is introduced: he will help with the congress.
4 Report of the President Elect
Lille Congress 1-2 October 2020
Prof Epinette: Lille is a nice venue; easy to get to from all over Europe; the congress centre is inside the city. Four parallel rooms only. We are discussing with MCI (PCO) to get a good contract with a significant income – as we have had in the past. We also have a good link with other societies, International Arthroplasty Soc etc., so we will try to be as attractive as possible to get at least 600 members or more.
5 Report of Past President
Munich Congress 6-9 September 2016
Prof Siebert: Thank you all for your help in Munich, without you it wouldn’t have been possible. One result is we are now invited as a Guest Society to the AAHKS for the first time; we invited them as speakers in a very full room in Munich – they were impressed by us and our lectures, so now we are invited to do a session there. The Knee Society tried it and only got a poster, so together with our South American friends, we are now seen as an important society.
6 Report of the Treasurer
Prof Karachalios: Last time I reported in Munich, we had €554,284.
End of May we had €589,228 (take off €9,000 for secretarial services).
Vienna Marriott
Munich Congress
Prof Thaler helps a lot with the banking in Austria and will be proposed at the next meeting to take over as Treasurer. He will handle the job very effectively.
Prof Macheras: why do we only have this amount of money from Munich?
Prof Schreurs: the cost of the venue was very high; the cost of bringing Americans was high; VIPS were too many; we struggled to get people immediately after their summer break; local authorities had promised to give a bonus and then withdrew it.
Prof Karachalios: there was a financial loss with this meeting. However, the ExCom has taken all these facts and analysed the losses and we plan for the future to avoid it happening again.
Prof Macheras: why the contract is better now?
Prof Schreurs: Intercongress has promised that – if we have 600 delegates and follow the rules – we will have €100,000 income guaranteed.
Prof Macheras: Why did you move from the OIC contract which guaranteed the €100,000 to us?
Prof Tsiridis: we were locked in to the contract for two congresses. We had a very hard discussion with Intercongress and we take the responsibility that we didn’t follow the business plan. It will not happen again. We almost broke it legally, but it would be too expensive a legal fight. We have learnt our lesson.
Prof Zagra: For Lille, put the PCO in competition. Put two or three against each other.
Prof Karachalios: We will, but I doubt we can compete with 2012 and 2014 nowadays. It was different days then, there are more restrictions now applied, generally. We are expecting lower participants because they won’t be supported by the companies.
Prof Macheras: once you sign a contract, you write down possible losses etc. We do not discover it all now. We must have a minimum in case of disaster.
Prof Tsiridis: we should have had a break clause in the contract if we didn’t make a certain amount of money. We have learnt from this.
Prof Karachalios: we will not make the mistake with coffee breaks again etc.
Prof Tsiridis: No more free coffee.
Prof Labek: It’s a golden opportunity to prove ourselves in front of the industry if we focus on the forward active line than reduce costs – though they need to be controlled of course.
Prof Tsiridis: Munich was an expensive place.
Prof Epinette: That’s the reason I chose Lille.
7 SciCom / EduCom new structure
Ten members in both. 4-year term with one re-election. So, total of 8 years maximum.
Selection by the committee itself.
Advertise through our website. CV to be sent and selection process from the Sci/EduCom and ExCom.
They will be presented at the next GA in the Hague 2018.
Mr Baker: The new constitution will be circulated in good time. It is currently at the UK lawyers then it will be sent to all members to ratify it or ask for more changes, and agreed or not at the GA.
8 Report of Chairman of the EduCom
Prof Ullmark: The first EHS Visiting Fellowship 2016 was in Greece and was a great success, ending in the Mast Course in Thessaloniki where certificates were presented. See our website for their report if you missed it in the newsletter.
The Travelling Fellowship is right now in France – Dr Dikmen from Turkey and Dr Tankut from Ukraine.
The Visiting Fellowship 2017 is in Germany in September. Thanks to our Nat Rep Prof Thorey for organizing it.
We have written to all Nat Socs to ask about their meetings/courses to gather the info and to offer speakers from EHS. EHS will cover travel and housing for EHS speakers. We want to increase courses where EHS is involved.
Please email in your courses to Samantha (samstokesehs@gmail.com) to go up on our website.
9 Report of Chairman of the SciCom
Prof Zagra: ICJR together with EHS, next April in Rome at the World Arthroplasty Congress. EHS is a partner society and the proposal was for 12 speakers. A very good connection. We are part of the very successful scientific programme.
Prof Tsiridis: The ICJR in New York was disappointing, so I hope Europe is more promising. But now there is a new CEO, so hopefully it will be much better in Europe.
10 Constitution changes
See point 7.
11 Report of the Secretary General
PP is shown. [Please request a copy from Samantha.]
EHS is celebrating its 25th anniversary in October.
Collaboration with EFORT is constant and very successful. They have approved our Visiting Fellowship and therefore added value.
Please pay fees. 70% unpaid at this point.
Newsletter is a chance to present your courses, activities, whatever you like.
Please contribute. Invite yourself and send something in!
Nat Reps have a 4yr term and can renew once.
However, the Nat Society needs to propose to us the new member.
New Nat Rep for Italy: Nicola Santori (stepping down Prof Zagra)

New Nat Rep for Sweden: Per Wretenberg (stepping down Dr Arkan Sayed-Noor)

The SciCom – in Feburary the SciCom met at Prof Zagra’s house in Italy. He has revitalized the committee.
The EduCom should be congratulated on the EHS Fellowships. Well done.
EHS Past Presidents are invited to drinks afterwards.
New Full Members since last GA:-
Prof Martin Thaler
Dr Nicolas Reina
Prof Sebastien Lustig
Dr Jens Alexander Richter
Prof Andreas Halder
Dr Steffen Brodt
Dr Thilo Floerkemeier
Dr Vasileios Sakellariou
Dr Georgios Triantafyllopoulos
Dr Nikolaos Stavropoulos
Ass Prof Dennis Janssen
Dr Dan Crisan
Dr Fernando Marques
Prof Brigitte Jolles-Haeberli
Dr Bulent Kilic
Dr Tevfik Oncan
Mr Alkiviadis Kallivokas
Mr Geza Kordas
New International Members since last GA:-
Dr Toshiki Iwase
Prof Nicholas Giori
Dr Lazaros Poultsides
New Young Members since last GA:-
Dr Nikolaos Davarinos
Dr Pedro Santos Leite
New Emeritus Members since last GA & therefore Congratulations on Retirements:-
- Leif Ivar Havelin of Norway
- Rob Spencer of UK / Hip International Editor many years
- Eduardo Garcia-Cimbrelo of Spain (Founding Member of EHS)
The AAHKS Guest Society Fellowship with EHS is a great offer. We sent five of the candidates to AAHKS and they will choose one.
The EHS Visiting Fellowship was a great success in Hellas. I strongly suggest the Fellows should present as well during their Fellowships.
Our Secretary General’s office is always open to your suggestions and your help.
12 New regulations for orthopaedics in Europe
A new medical advice regulation will change the framework for research in the next years. So it will be effective at the congress in 2018.
13 Miscellaneous
EHS’s 25yr celebration… what shall we do? Celebrate it in The Hague in 2018 – ask a founding member to make a history book of EHS?
*(PowerPoints are available on request)
The End