Dear EHS Members,

I want to inform you about an International Meeting about Hip Surgery in Young Adults

on: Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd of March 2017 

at: University Hospital Infanta Leonor (Madrid-Spain)

This is the IX Edition and as in previous years, many EHS members will attend this meeting.

It will be a two day meeting and there will be one live surgery of Total Hip Replacement through less invasive approach.

There will be different talks about multiple topics regarding total hip arthroplasty and hip preserving surgery in young adult.

The complete program is on the website (

Thank you for your attention.

Active EHS Member,

Óliver Marín-Peña  MD
Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology

Hip-Knee Orthopedic Department
University Hospital Infanta 

C/ Gran Vía del Este, 80 . 28031 (Madrid)
